While startups and existing businesses appreciate the role of financial modeling and forecasting most of them are still not taking advantage of this crucial financial tool. Businesses and organizations alike complain about the lack of tailor-made financial modeling solutions.

However, this is now bound to change with the launch of eFinancialModelers’ online marketplace. The innovative platform brings together freelance financial modelers and project sponsors in an effort to streamline financial modeling. In a web Q&A for the early adopters the website’s development team was enthusiastic about the prospects of their project,

Our website is a culmination of dreams that have been harbored for many years. As experts in financial modeling we have observed the strengths and weaknesses in this industry. As a team we have always dreamt of streamlining financial modeling especially on the internet platform. This passion is what has brought us together to launch this market place,” one team member said.

When any organization needs a financial model to capitalize on the next level, they now have a go-to source of skilled and highly experienced freelancers. Our mission is to facilitate boost businesses by brining financial modeling services close to them,” the team added.

Users can now easily find the right freelancer to develop a financial model for them on our market price and start working on the project immediately. But we have gone one step further to protect both the freelancer and the project sponsor. All payments are held in an escrow account until the work is done satisfactorily,” the web admin said.

Financial modelers have been identified as a critical component of any modern business. They help build financial models to forecast a company’s future financial performance and security. Freelancer financial modelers are also essential in interpretation of a company’s financial model outcomes. eFinancialModelers’ marketplace now makes financial modeling exercises easier and businesses can now take full advantage of financial analysis and forecasting.

The online platform now brings financial modeling project spon


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