One of our areas of expertise, includes the installation of the popular Easy Drain systems. This system is ideal for tiled areas such as patios, swimming pool and Jacuzzi areas, paved terraces, walkways, driveways and any other area where water collects.


We install spas / Jacuzzis with circulation pump, blower pump (for bubbles) & heater systems. We also do repairs of existing systems. We supply Jacuzzi insulating covers.


We paint traffic lines, parking bay lines and numbers on all surfaces, including tar, paving bricks, concrete slabs etc. We specialise in complexes, office blocks and shopping centre areas.


We professionally repair leaking roofs and replace / repair broken tiles. We also clean roofs, gutters and down pipes. Gutters and down pipes that are rusted through, can be replaced.


We paint and repair all kinds of roofs, including tiled roofs, corrugated iron roofs, flat roofs etc.


We install new gutters and down pipes, as well as repair / replace gutters & down pipes that are rusted and leaking.



Insulate your home and help keep it warmer in winter and cool in summer. We supply and install "Think Green" thermal ceiling insulation. You can purchase the product from us if you want to do the installation yourself.


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