What is a chat room? 
A chat room is a place for online communication between two or more persons. Usually people that visit a chat room do so from a method of communication like a mobile phone or laptop PC. They are then directed into a chat room that either has a form of registration or guest login.  
Most chat sites like Chat Buddy are usually free and do not require a user to login. Registration is usually optional with the reason being that you can keep your chosen username or "handle".  
Most chat rooms are usually anonymous and do not require a person to fill in any personal details that would identify who they are or where they come from. This is a good way to get to know people online in a completely safe and secure way. 
Some chat sites offer webcam chat which allows you to go that step further into getting to know people and also for others to get to see what you look like. There are many advantages with such communication because it allows body language which you would never normally see as well as facial expressions which are far too difficult to come across by using emoji’s only.  If you think a chat room might be a place for you then why not call by our chat buddy website.  


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