1st Net Group Concepts is based on two Principles

Cooperative Endeavors

1st Net Group idea has been developing since 1999 and several different launches over this period, a fulltime focus was given to it in 2010 to make a difference in the world in terms of personal economics through Cooperative Endeavor through two methods.

1st Net Group is consistently seeking out “Companies” that will consent to our participation at a high level within their organizations, to increase value and growth through collaboration, and partnership.

We are seeking Affiliated Consultants who will consent to participation at a high level within 1st Net Group to increase value and growth through Collaboration and Partnership.

Personal Growth Teaches

In today’s terms, we are not taught How to Live Life in terms of personal relationship with the earth and each other. 1st Net Group has developed a course to transition each person with personal growth to positive thinking, attitude and personal financial management. One principle is clear that the Universal Law remains constant. Sun, Planets around it does not miss a bit. The earth does not miss a bit. The seasons come and go and the programmed status does not change. 1st Net Group brings awareness to this Universal Law.

Shreeji Arun has been blessed with a New Vision and has been moving towards his calling. It Started Xmas of 2009. 2010 and 2011 was Arun’s personal awareness and teaching from the Universe from different places and people. Go the 1st Net Peace page and read about “THE ERA OF TRUTH & SERVICE” It is little steps that is going to give you personal growth, peace and Making “This World A Better Place“. This decade is going to bring the change and will continue for our future Generations.


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