[ZYY wow]World Of Warcraft Face Off Victory…
Tonight’s Face Off brought Azeroth World of Warcraft Gold to life through the eyes of five insanely talented make-up artists, with only three days to make their characters real.
Warning: This article contains spoilers for Season 10, Episode 11 of Face Off, including the winner and loser. Read at your own risk!
It was a Warcraft fan’s dream come true last night on SyFy’s Face Off, a reality show where up and coming prosthetic make-up artists compete against one another to create fantastic creatures out of science fiction and fantasy genres. The theme this week was World of Warcraft, and the remaining five contestants were challenged to create real-life interpretations of six Azerothian races that didn’t make it into the upcoming movie. Of course, this is Face Off. The contestants only have three days (and only regular working hours those three days) to fully bring these characters to life. The time limit and intense complexity of Azeroth’s races resulted in both heroic, but underwhelming efforts…and some surprisingly beautiful gems.
Chris Robinson, Art Director for World of Warcraft, was on hand to give the five contestants tips on making their interpretations practical, artistic, realistic, and still true to the game. Melanie Licata, Melissa Ebbe, Rob Seal, Walter Welsh, and Yvonne Cox each got to pick from five of Azeroth’s more complex races: Troll, Worgen, Tauren, Draenei, and Goblin, respectively. Over three days they designed, molded, sculpted, and painted headpieces, hands, feet, and tails for their races on chosen actors before a final showing and judgment before professionals at the end of the episode.
Without spoiling too many of the details, suffice to say this round was brutal. No one but Ebbe seemed familiar with the Warcraft universe at all (though Licata demonstrated the efficacy of detailed questions and notetaking!), and a series of bad molds, broken pieces, and color difficulties plagued everyone involved at least once. The judges mostly consisted of trade experts, but surprise! The guest judge was Robert Kazinsky, who plays Orgrim Doomhammer in the upcoming Warcraft movie and revealed during the episode that he had been paid to play World of Warcraft for months as preparation for his role as Orgrim. Kazinsky’s job was to judge how well each final product fit into the Warcraft universe, and some of his commentary was fierce.
Licata and Welsh were the stars of the episode. Licata’s troll featured excellent facial detail and gorgeous, bright red hair–just like everyone’s favorite Troll model in-game.
Welsh took the crown this time with a Draenei Death Knight, complete with detailed head ridges, tentacles, tail, and ornate facial painting for the skin.
The Tauren and Worgen seemed to be the biggest struggles for their artists, due to their muzzles and unusual head shapes. Seal managed to turn struggle after struggle into a success by incorporating broken horns and a weathered expression into the character of his Tauren (the muzzle had great detail!), though Kazinsky tore him down for serious universe inaccuracy.
Ebbe barely scraped by with a Worgen that looked complete from a distance, but up close was low on detail and appeared unfinished. Kazinsky gave her props for accuracy, though.
Finally, Cox was asked to leave this episode–her Goblin appeared unfinished, and was the color of pea soup. I was saddest about the hair–when she first put it in, it looked like an exact replica of one of the hairstyles you can choose in-game! But she took it down instead. Best of luck to Cox, a very talented artist who is sure to have a fabulous career ahead of her, goblin aside.
Win or lose, all of the work done by these artists was insanely impressive. The chance to see five very familiar races from one of my favorite fantasy worlds come to life on TV in such a short period of time was fascinating, especially seeing the work done by those who were unfamiliar with the universe. It was the perfect competition to delight those of us who are already fans, and to perhaps draw in new folks who want to Buy wow gold see what all the fuss is about. At the very least, it may have turned more heads toward the Warcraft movie…though unfortunately, that’s not orc makeup on screen at the theatre. It’s just CGI.