4rsgold sale:The RuneScape Summer Summit is coming

Posted by Lee christinegreen
May 11, 2016

The Cheap Old school rs gold Summer Summit is advancing on the 28th of May. This chase reside beck is advancing to you beeline from Jagex HQ, arranged with over 5 hours of absolute reveals that you will not wish to miss.

Everyone's arrive to watch the accident on our Twitch channel, which will include:

Huge RuneScape keynote announcements:

New updates revealed

Exclusive new advice on The Arc (Eastern Lands), Solo Boss, Gower Quest and more

Individual keynote announcements of Old School, Idle Adventures and Chronicle, including:

Newly appear Idle Adventures gameplay

Details of approaching Chronicle updates and plans

Plenty of couch Q&A sessions in between, area you can put your questions to the aggregation – live.

Instructions on how to affirmation an absolute in-game cosmetic, commemorating the Summer Summit - added data to appear soon!

Please agenda that this will not yield annihilation abroad from RuneFest, which is still to appear this year!

We achievement you'll all accompany us the 28th for an black of ballsy RuneScape reveals. If you can't accomplish it, not to anguish – we'll be announcement the accomplished affair as a alternation of videos so you can bolt up.

Save the date, Buy RS Gold and attending out for added advice and a abounding agenda soon!

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