With the filtering carafe the tap water is more attractive, but you need to be careful
As part of the "Acqua di casa mia" information campaign to promote an informed consumption of water - starting from that of the tap - Coop decided to sell a carafe with its own brand (but produced by the market leader , which has also a chain that allows you to recycle the filters so as not to land them in landfill) that makes it more pleasant. The carafe costs about € 14.9, to which must be added € 12.9 for the filters in a pack of three.
The carafe to purify the water of the house - there are several brands, but with the same principles of operation - for some years now is meeting the favor of Italian consumers more aware and attentive to environmental issues, and is very popular in blogs. It is very important, however, that it is used correctly, respecting the duration of filters and cleaning.
In addition to allowing savings on the cost of bottled water - which in some areas of Italy is chosen because the tap water knows too much chlorine or has other unpleasant organoleptic - the filtering carafe offers other practical and "ecological" advantages: it avoids the transport of heavy boxes and the accumulation of plastic or glass bottles that must have a special space for separate collection.
In Italy tap water gives, almost everywhere, ample guarantees of quality. It is supplied only by the Water Supply Companies through the water network, and its basic requirement is potability. The quantity of macro and micro elements (the "fixed residue" at 180 ° C) must be included by law within a well defined range, lower than 1.5 grams per liter. Controls are continuous, and there are a number of treatments (such as chlorination) to purify it, but they can affect its taste.
The tap water, however, is controlled only up to the connection with the houses: from that point on, the responsibility of the water, of the management of the pipes and of any cisterns is the citizens. And this can be the weak link in security. Moreover, even if water is up to standard, it is legitimate to want it less hard or less rich in salts or other elements. There are various systems of domestic treatment, household water purifiers.
In general, these equipments improve potability through microfiltration and activated carbon systems of vegetable or mineral origin . They manage to retain many chemical pollutants, pesticides, industrial solvents and eliminate chlorine and bad flavors. They have no effect on bacteria, nitrates and nitrites.
The only contraindication is that the filter can become the support for the growth of bacteria, increasing the microbial load of water. To avoid this, in some cases the filters are added with a silver-based compound that has bactericidal properties. Among the systems that mostly use activated carbons are filtering jugs.
These are rather bland "purification" methods: because they are not able to eliminate specific contaminants and above all because efficiency decreases over time with use. When the activated carbon is exhausted, because it is saturated, the carafe does not perform any filtering action and does not improve the quality of the water. It must be said, however, that in most cases tap water does not need to be filtered (especially if it is odorless and tasteless) and that the filtered jugs if they are misused (not changing the filter at expiration) can worsen the quality.
The filtering carafes are generally equipped with two parts communicating with each other and connected by a removable filter. Filling the upper part of the jug, the water drops in a few seconds in the underlying part passing through the filter (composed of activated carbon to absorb calcium, magnesium, chlorine, and improving the smell and taste).
To use them in the
best way you need:
1. filter only cold water and carefully follow the instructions for the first use. The jugs require proper maintenance and daily cleaning, with hot water and detergent. The main risk is to favor the bacterial proliferation on the filters and in the jug itself, with the result of worsening the quality of the water. For this reason it is advisable to keep the carafe full in the refrigerator and consume the water in the day, replace the filters with the right frequency (every 100 liters or at most every month or when it is indicated on the carafe when there is an indicator). residual water in the carafe for a long time.
2. Replacement cartridges must be kept in their original packaging and in a cool and dry place. In case of non-use for a prolonged period, it is necessary to empty it and leave the cartridge in the funnel. Before using the carafe again, clean it carefully, replace the filter and use it as if it were the first time, throwing away the first 3 filtrations.
3. Jugs have modest size filters and their efficiency is rather limited to some types of contaminants. The choice of the model must therefore be made after having analyzed the tap water, having established that there are problems and verified that the activated carbon filter