Winter-Proofing the Exterior Wood Surfaces of Your Home

Posted by Stains Paints
Jun 7, 2018

Summer is finally here and it’s the perfect time to prepare your exterior wood (decks, fences, garden furniture, to name a few) for the harsh winter months. Elements such as rain, sleet and snow can wreak havoc on wood surfaces, so you must side with a high-quality stain and give the wood a maintenance application of stain or simply a coat of finish.

Even though the process may seem complicated at first, it’s rather easy when you know where to start from. You can simply start with cleaning off dirt, mildew, and moss from the wooden surface. You can use a cleaner and brightener for the purpose. High-pressure spray equipment – though not necessary – can also come in handy, if used properly. One thing to remember when using a power sprayer is that a distance of at least ten to twelve inches from the surface must be maintained. If the surface is big – take wooden cabins, for example, then you must ensure that all cracks are sealed, especially the ones facing upwards as water can easily accumulate there. This is an important step in avoiding the possibility of rot.

Having accomplished the preparation, you are ready for stain application. Quality wood stain products such as Exterior 450 serve the dual purpose of staining and sealing the wood, so no additional sealers are necessary.

When you’re done with preparing the wooden surface, it’s time for a stain application. For staining purposes, make sure you only use high-quality wood stain products such as Exterior 450 as they can effectively stain and seal the wood at the same time, eliminating the need for additional sealers altogether. For bigger surfaces, you may have to apply a few extra coats. Keep in mind, if the surface is only slightly faded but looks in a good condition, a single coat will be enough. However, if the surface is loose or peeling, it may be necessary to sand or strip back down to bare wood before staining it.

You may want to follow all label directions and guidelines on the product labels before using them. Many products are susceptible to spontaneous combustion risk if improperly handled, so be sure to dispose of brushes, roller covers and clean up equipment safely. The product containers may also provide disposal recommendations.

Summers are a wonderful time to enjoy your wood deck and to protect all exterior wood surfaces with exterior stains. Once you complete your staining, you can sit back and take pride in the beauty of your home, knowing that it will be protected from the unforgiving weather of winter.

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