Why your business needs beverages & food product photography?

Mar 12, 2019
Food and beverage product photography are an important element to creating an impact with whatever it is you are marketing. Consumers experience first through sight, and then are prompted to react according to how they feel about what they see. A well laid-out design with beautiful colour selection and appropriate typographic treatments will certainly grab the attention of a consumer.

Even if the words fail, pictures have always come to the rescue. Pictures need no language to communicate the message. Be it reviews, menu displays or branding – a nicely done authentic photo shoot speaks way louder than words for an industry as customer-centric as Food and Beverages. The Restaurant Industry in today’s time does 70% of its marketing online and needless to say professional beverage product photography helps capture the customer’s attention faster and leaves an everlasting impression.
Here are a few reasons why you need to get a professional photo shoot done right now :

1. Increases sales
Good food product photography leads to more immersive consumer attention & helps in increasing sales. Whenever combinations are clicked together and presented in the menu, there are chances that people order the entire combo rather than ordering just a single dish. Whereas pictures of food on a printed menu can help you upsell items by meticulously highlighting images of high-profit food items, food pictures on your digital menu are great for search engine optimization & aids in improving your website conversions. Matter of fact, we’ve seen an increase of more than 25% in conversion rates when restaurants moved from text-menus to image-based menus on their own online ordering platform.

2. Helps in Branding
Building the brand is one of the major challenges that restaurant owners face, coming out as one identity in the market. And food product photography can be a real differentiator between your brand & competition. Suppose, if you’re in a mood to eat Asian, from which of the below menus are you more likely to order?

3. Generates content for Marketing
A good stock of real branded food shots by finest Napa photographers is probably all you need to start off with your marketing campaigns.  Even if it’s a print ad, a pamphlet, an email about your latest menu update or a drool-worthy facebook ad, a creative with real food shots will create way more impact than a simple banner.
4. Helps in building customer’s trust
Most folks are generally very picky and specific about what they are ordering, when it comes to food. Therefore having looked at what is going to be served and how, builds customer’s trust in the dish. All of the expectations are set right, neither are they undersold nor are they oversold. Moreover, they may even get adventurous by trying new dishes and cuisines.
If you need professional product photography done for your business in Napa, contact Left Coast Marketing at https://www.leftcoastmarketing.com, they have some of the best Napa photographers.
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