Why You Should Avoid Fructose

Jul 19, 2021

Fructose is a simple sugar or monosaccharide found in many fruits, and in some vegetables as well.

Fructose is also produced commercially, usually from corn. Here it often goes by the name of high-fructose corn syrup or HFCS. This is actually a mixture of fructose and glucose. Its production involves the use of mercury, in many cases, and it is reported that eating HFCS will contaminate you with some mercury, although my research may be necessary.

Fructose is found in almost all soft drinks or soda pop today. It is also widely used as a sweetening agent in hundreds of prepared food items.


Research indicates that fructose consumption is involved with yeast overgrowth in the intestines, gout, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and obesity. It is also a cause of glycation, which is related to aging.

Upsetting copper metabolism

Dr. Paul Eck, the founder of nutritional balancing science, researched fructose and said it upset copper metabolism. Possible reasons for this may be its effect on the adrenal glands, or its yin quality, or perhaps some other aspect of fructose metabolism in the body.

The link with cancer

Any substance that upsets copper metabolism and energy production, and favors the growth of yeasts and fungi, will tend to favor the growth of trophoblast. This is a primitive cell type found in association with cancer in the body

Fructose is a very yin molecule. Yin refers to a physics quality that is found in Chinese medicine. It means cold, expanded, and today usually is associated with illness.

Fructose appears to be more yin than other common sugars such as dextrose (usually made from sugar cane or sugar beets), maltose (milk sugar), and others. This may be an important reason why fructose may be more harmful than other sugars.

Today, excessive yin is associated with many illnesses including cancer, diabetes, other blood sugar imbalances, obesity, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency and many others.

Fructose seems to upset the nervous system in many ways. This is probably due to all of the reasons above. That is, it is too yin, it is upsetting to the glandular system, and it upsets the sugar-handling mechanism of the body, as well.


There are too numerous to list

Among the most important are hypoglycemia, diabetes, cancer, obesity, high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. Other conditions include heart disease, fatigue, adrenal burnout, skin, hair and nail problems, varicose veins and many others.

Fructose, along with chlorine and fluoride in the water, refining of wheat into white flour, refining of rice into white rice, and the general degradation of the food supply, may be considered a major cause of modern diseases of our modern world.


The single easiest way to avoid eating fructose is to avoid eating most fruit, honey, syrups including rice syrup, barley malt and barley syrup. Also, one must avoid all sweetened beverages and foods, since high-fructose corn syrup is now the cheapest and most widely used sweetener.

Some of the most common sources are most baked goods, sodas, fruit juices, vegetable juices, sports drinks, protein drinks and powders, food bars, prepared soups, even vitamin pills and lozenges, and literally thousands of other common supermarket and health food store products.


Unfortunately, anyone who eats a lot of fruit, which means some fruit each day or so, is consuming a lot of fructose. This is just one of the harmful aspects of eating fruit, and one reason that eating fruit is not recommended on nutritional balancing programs.

Also, anyone who eats a lot of fruit is not getting the right balance of minerals. This is a deadly combination in our experience. This is why the common advice to “eat more fruits and vegetables” is not good nutritional advice. Far better advice is to avoid fruit altogether, and eat many more cooked vegetables, not raw ones, because human beings do not digest raw vegetables well enough to absorb most of the minerals from them.

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