Why Lack of Sleep Impacts Male Organ Health
Almost everyone feels better after a good night’s sleep, and many
men report that feeling tired or fatigued can sometimes impact their sensual
performance, but is there a reason for lack of sleep to impact male organ
health? Several studies have indicated that the answer is affirmative; now some
animal studies are looking more closely into specific reasons why male organ
health might have a connection to sleep or the lack thereof.
Recent study
One such study is entitled “Impact of Sleep Deprivation on the
Hypothalmic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis and [Reproductive] Tissue,” it used male
rats as its subjects. (Animal studies are typically used in order to test
initial hypotheses or better understanding learnings from basic science.)
A total of 56 rats were used, but they were treated in segments.
The first 16 rats were deprived of sleep for 72 continuous hours (three days);
a second group of 16 rats were chosen as controls, and their sleep patterns
were not interfered with at all. Various markers associated with hypogonadism
were measured. (Hypogonadism is the term used to describe a situation in which
the body doesn’t produce sufficient male hormones. Hypogonadism may result due
to a problem with the gonads themselves, or because the hypothalamus and/or the
pituitary glands, which control the gonads, aren’t working.)
In addition, another 24 rats were divided into 3 groups of 8. One
group was a control group; one group was sleep deprived and one group was sleep
deprived and was also given male hormone supplementation.
Essentially, the study showed that sleep deprivation in rates did
indeed bring about hypogonadism. Those rats in the control group had normal
markers; those who were sleep deprived were severely lacking in male hormone.
(The group that was both sleep deprived and given male hormone supplementation
did have male hormone levels similar to the control group.) The lack of sleep also
dampened the production of nitric oxide, which is needed to keep the blood
vessels expanded during intimate activity.
Other studies
These results back up results from earlier studies that looked at
sleep deprivation and reproductive issues in rats. One, “Effect of sleep
deprivation on the male reproductive system in rats,” found that lack of sleep
greatly decreased sperm motility (that is, how well and quickly sperm move and
swim) in rats.
All of these studies are looking at actual sleep deprivation – going
without sleep for 3 days. Clearly, such results would likely not occur in the
same way in a subject who gets sleep, but not enough – say, only 3 or 4 hours
of sleep each night. But the studies do suggest that cumulatively and over
time, getting too little sleep can result in decreased male hormone and in
subsequent Male Organ health issues.
Men who get insufficient sleep should take steps to correct this
issue. In some cases, there are some simple lifestyle changes that can help
such as:
- Limiting intake of caffeine in the latter part of the day
- Avoiding computer use near bedtime
- Making the sleep space inviting (appropriate temperature,
sufficient darkness, comfortable mattress, etc.)
- Being consistent with bedtimes and wake-up times
- Getting an appropriate amount of exercise during the day
In some cases, a person may need the help of a medical
professional in assessing sleep issues and determining possible solutions.
Lack of sleep is not the only cause of male organ health issues,
so to be better prepared, a man should regularly apply a first class male Organ
health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically
proven mild and safe for skin) to his manhood. The most effective cremes
will include L-arginine, an amino acid which helps produce nitric oxide, which
in turns keeps the blood vessels open. The crème should also include
moisturizers such as shea butter and vitamin E to keep male organ skin healthy;
itchy male organ skin can disrupt a good night’s sleep.