Why is your page speed important?

Posted by Richard Lawrence
Oct 23, 2020

The speed of your website is a crucial part of SEO ( you can learn a little more about SEO here ), and as more companies have to work virtually, optimization becomes more important than ever. This is also a fundamental part of your Digital Marketing strategy that you must take care of.

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53% of users abandon a page if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. according to a study carried out by Google , with 3,700 anonymous data from Google Analytics. 

Google has differentiated itself by putting users' needs first. Therefore, they prioritize the fastest and best performing websites

What are the most important things to understand about your page speed and how can you improve it? Here we give you more details.

How to load a web page

To understand why a site can be slower, it is important to know what happens when loading a website:

A user goes to a browser, enters your website, and generates a DNS request.

These points to your domain name provider, for example digitalmarketinglahore.

Then it goes to your server or hosting where your files are.

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The Document Object Model or DOM (" Document Object Model " or "Object Model for Document Representation") begins to load all your HTML, your CSS and your JavaScript. But very rarely, it extracts all the necessary scripts or code necessary to render or load a web page.

Usually the DOM will need to request additional resources from your server to make everything happen, and this is where your site can slow down.

What could be slowing down your site?

The most common problems that can slow down a website are:

Large images: They are the biggest culprit of slow loading web pages.

Hosting problems

Plugins, applications and widgets, basically any third party script can also slow down the loading time.

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The theme and any large files can slow down the site.

The amount of hops or redirects required to access a web page can slow down the loading process.

A website with large databases that are not properly optimized

If you are using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, having too many plugins can cause your website to perform poorly in speed.

Tools and resources related to page speed

These tools are the most recommended to analyze your page and those of your competitors and that you can make the necessary changes to improve:

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Chrome User Experience Report

This is the actual Chrome user metric . It's only available for larger and more popular websites, unfortunately, but it does yield some very good data. It is hosted by BigQuery , so some basic SQL knowledge is required.


Lighthouse is available from Chrome Dev Tools. If you're on a web page and you click "Inspect Item" and open Chrome Dev Tools, in the tab on the right where it says "Audit," you can run a Lighthouse report directly in your browser.

Page Speed ​​Insights

PageSpeed ​​Insights is really cool. This tool will see how your site is set up and will provide feedback accordingly and score it. It also allows you to test the speed and performance of your mobile website.

Google TestMySite

In this tool, Google takes advantage of real-world metrics, linking them to the percentage of people you are losing due to the slowness of your site

Other very useful tools with Pingdom and GTmetrix .

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Site speed metrics

What are some of the metrics that you should analyze to know the speed of your page and improve it?

First paint

First Paint is the first paint that is not blank on a screen. It could be just the first pixel change. That initial change is considered first painting.

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What is First Paint with content? This is when the first content appears. This could be part of the browser or the search bar or whatever.

What is significant First Paint ? It is when the primary content is visible. When you get that "Yes, this is what I came to this page for" reaction, that's the meaningful First Paint .

Time to interact

We've all been to a web page and it looks like it's ready, but we can't use it yet. That's where this metric comes in. So how long does it take for the page to be able to be used by the user?

DOM content loaded

It is when the HTML is fully loaded and parsed.

Ways to improve your page speed

There are many ways to improve the speed of your page and give your users a positive experience:

HTTP / 2

HTTP / 2 can definitely speed things up. It is based on SPDY, a protocol introduced in 2009 by Google with the intention of speeding up the web. At that time there was talk of a 22-60% increase in the loading speed of conventional websites and a 39-55% increase in the case of websites with SSL.

Pre-connect, pre-fetch, pre-charge

Preconnection, prefetch, and preload are very important to speed up a site. We see Google doing this on their SERPs. If you inspect an item, you can see that Google pre-fetches some of the URLs so you can have it faster if you click on some of those results. Similarly, you can do this on your site. It helps to load and accelerate that process.

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Enable caching and use a content delivery network (CDN)

Caching is very important so you must make sure it is configured correctly. Same with content delivery network or CDN

Compress images

The easiest and probably fastest way to speed up your site is to compress the images. There are all kinds of free tools available to save for the Web and compress properly.

Minify resources

Minification is the process of removing unnecessary characters from code without changing the way it works.

These unnecessary characters are usually things like:

Characters in blanks

New line breaks


Block delimiters (square brackets)

Why should you speed up your website?

There are 3 fundamental aspects that should give you enough reason to worry about the speed of your website. These are:

Usability: it is about allowing your users to have a more intuitive and simple experience on the web. By having a site that takes too long to load, users will go to another that allows them to navigate in an easier way.

Google Ranking: As we already mentioned, Google gives priority in its results to the sites that load faster. Being here is very important as it increases your chances of conversion and sale.

Mobile device user experience : a Google survey indicates that 61% of Smartphone users are more likely to go elsewhere if they cannot find what they are looking for quickly. That means if your business site is slow and not mobile friendly, this will not be a good experience and you may lose sales and customers. This is why the user experience is increasingly important.

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A negative user experience will not only cause you to lose a customer or sale, it can also considerably affect the online reputation of your brand , taking into account that, today, users go to the Internet to give their opinion on everything they buy ( or try to buy). Bad references are popular and the effort to clear your name can be more expensive than putting these optimizations into practice.

As you can see, achieving an optimized site requires taking care of several details and having some technical knowledge. In the technological and digital world, it is very important to keep up to date and know that new trends and tools designed for brands and businesses to make the most of the advantages of the internet are constantly being born.

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