
Why Go To An English Language School Singapore?

by Aritra Agarwal Marketing Manger

If English is not your child's first language, English-medium instruction is frequently the greatest choice for ensuring their academic success. One of the most common languages in India is English. Every aspect of life uses it, including administration, business, entertainment and the media. As a result, English has evolved into a language that gives kids access to possibilities everywhere.  Students not only improve their academic abilities but also acquire vital life skills that will aid them in the future. Early English instruction makes it simpler for kids to subsequently acquire other languages. Additionally, studies have demonstrated that bilingualism provides several cognitive advantages for kids, including enhanced creativity, problem-solving and memory abilities. Additionally, English-medium education exposes students to the English language, which helps them learn other languages more rapidly.

English improves children’s reading capabilities

English has the largest vocabulary of any language, with over 250,000 words making it one of the hardest languages to learn. The English language is one of the most read languages in the world, nonetheless. Children who learn English in Singapore at a young age thus have greater reading comprehension abilities. The study of English calls for extensive use of critical thinking abilities. Children who receive an education in English-only are also taught to think critically and analytically about the language. Children learn how to analyze facts, produce reports and deconstruct texts to extract meaning from difficult English literature.

English improves communication skills

International media, commerce, entertainment, technology, religion, government, aviation and tourism are all mostly conducted in English. Children who attend schools that use English as a second language are able to interact with individuals from all over the world more effectively. Children are also better prepared for professions in the future when English will be the main language of communication. Early exposure to English helps children write more effectively. English is a very descriptive language with a large vocabulary and it teaches kids how to use those words correctly and efficiently when they write essays, reports and other types of publications.

Helps to understand other subjects better

Science, maths and social studies are just a few of the disciplines that are taught in English Language School Singapore. However, English-medium instruction enables students to comprehend these subjects better through textbook reading and teacher-provided English guidance. Many English-medium education programmes are offered at a low cost as a result of English's rising popularity as a second language. Other bilingual education programmes, including those that teach French or Spanish, however, can be rather expensive.

Beneficial in long run

Children who English Language School Singapore setting can develop their English abilities throughout their academic careers and beyond. Additionally, this aids kids in developing other crucial abilities like writing, critical thinking, problem-solving, information analysis, communicating and thinking globally as all of which are essential for success in today's globalised society. The majority of programmes for instruction in English are accessible online and from any location. Other bilingual education programmes, like those in French or Spanish, are only available in particular schools or cities.

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About Aritra Agarwal Advanced   Marketing Manger

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Joined APSense since, September 23rd, 2017, From Los Angeles, United States.

Created on May 2nd 2023 02:26. Viewed 171 times.


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