Why a new start up business requires a website

Posted by Martin Loader
Oct 23, 2018

Any threads that revolve around the subject of link building will bring you many contrasting viewpoints. One commenter will say “I can send as many links as I want to my money site without any consequences”, but another will offer a contrasting viewpoint, such as “No, no too much link building will get you in the Google sandbox”.

You get the idea.

The point is that neither side of the argument is completely right or wrong, but rather they are observing a different part of the mysterious creature that is the Google search engine algorithm. By Googles own admission, the algorithm has hundreds of ranking factors determining a ranking order in their search results.

Having a batch of unused domains I decided to take a stab at trying to figure out which backlinking technique is effective for ranking a micro niche sized site. If you have good content on your Web page, Google will reward your site with a high position because content is King and making your content popular is duty of Google.

When content used correctly in a web page, Google will give a boost to those keywords in search engine pages which are in the competition. If you “bold” such keywords and use H1, H2 tags in html language, you deliver the message to search engine about correct navigation of your site and search engine crawler will follow accordingly.

Updates of the contents give a positive effect of overall website and it should be updated at least once a month or once a week. New pages to the Web site should be added with old pages updated with new information regularly.

This can be described as to how much content is relevant or coincides with the keyword that is returned in the search for users in search engines. Always keep an eye on your competitors and investigate how to place correct content and use keywords in your pages.

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