Who Says Football Is Not A Girls Stuff - Cosco.in

Posted by Cosco India
Aug 9, 2018

A little-smirked expression which released from his face captured the attention of every young footballer sitting in that room.

Did I mention that expression was accompanied by the most sarcastic statement???

Yes the statement stated, “Girls can't play football.”

This statement really gave a strong push to the different reactions in that room which was full of both the genders.

But somehow it gave a shot to the most debatable question that do really girls must not try Football and they must be kept aside from the football field to prove their worth in the field of sports???

Why Does It Happen?

The major reasons which trigger the chaos is due to:

§  The performance of masculinity through the football game, which gets transforms into an opportunity, letting the boys prove their knowledge and expertise in the Football.

§  On the other hand, it clearly dictates that football is not a feminine game and only the masculine and the powerful boys can create an impact with this.

§  There are apprehensions from the parents when they feel little off to allowing the girls to fight against the boys.

But this is wrong…No sports can be ruled by a specific gender…

Despite this continuous exclusion, surprisingly more girls are playing football.

And There Is A Remarkable Change

*      This change is the evidence of larger cultural shifts, and allowing the girls to pursue their athletic dreams even there is a glitch of broader cultural support.

*      The ever known gender and location stereotypes, girls can be seen consistently kicking the field goals from the larger distance.

*      Girls are stronger mentally and are able to handle the attitude complexities while playing the football game.

*      The multi-tasking is a god-gifted capability to every girl and given a chance they can prove their worth in every field.

Considering this, the Indian government has initiated a campaign ‘Khelo-India Campaign’ allowing the gender-unbiased sports engagement for every Indian youth.

Last but not the least the gender biases are not the limitation to hold the skills of any girl and there is nothing which a GIRL cannot achieve.

We at Cosco, salute this initiate and encourage every girl with a dream to kick the football harder.

Let there be a change and help our nation to be on the world’s top most popular female footballer's list.

Support your dream and buy Football in India at the best possible Football cost, only with Cosco.

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Source URL :- http://www.cosco.in/blogs/Who-Says-Football-Is-Not-A-Girls-Stuff.html

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