Which is more profitable?: FOREX or Cryptocurrencies

Posted by madhav joshi
Jan 2, 2023

Forex and cryptocurrency trading both are efficient ways to earn profits. However, the volatility and risk involved in the trades makes the traders vulnerable to decide which one is better?

In order to get an answer to this question, we have compared the two. Traders can know them and their differences to understand which one will be more profitable for their trading.

What is Forex?

Forex is the financial market that allows traders to buy and sell currencies of various countries. Traders buy one currency and sell another for the continuous flow of the market making trading in pairs. 

The market is highly volatile and liquid and has low requirements of funds, thus high trade volume. However, the success rate of forex trading is low. 

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is also a financial market. It is a digital trading market that allows users to buy, sell and store digital currencies. Traders can have a wallet to store their coins safely and earn from their trades. 

Also, it uses advanced technology for transparent and secure trading. 

However, the market is highly volatile and requires good knowledge to earn profits. 

Differences between Forex and Crypto

Here, we have the differences between forex and cryptos that traders should be aware of: 




Market Size

High market size with market capitalisation of $2409 trillion

Limited with market capitalisation of $1.2 trillion


Highly liquid 

Highly liquid 


Involves risk

Greater risk than forex

Trading Hours

24 hours

24 hours

Available Assets

Various currencies to trade

14,000 cryptos

If we consider the differences, then it is clear that both the financial markets have good market holding. One is a traditional market while the other is a modern market. However, both have their place in the market due to the assets they offer. 

Forex has existed for a long time now with a good number of currency pairs to trade. While cryptocurrency was introduced in 2009 and is said to have great future which is still a question. 

So, they both are different but have good opportunities available for traders to trade. 

Which one is better?

Both the markets have their own position in the market. One is currency trading while the other is digital coin trading. Traders can find these suitable as per their requirements. 

However, if an overall view is taken, then forex is much better and profitable then cryptocurrency. 

It is so because of the following reasons: 

  • The market has been around for decades now

  • More stable than cryptos

  • Less prone to market risk than cryptocurrencies 

  • Higher trade volume 


Going through the article traders can easily find the profitable market for their trading. As per our analysis forex is better due to stability and profitability it offers. While cryptocurrency is a good market to trade it has its drawbacks. 

Traders can learn about them and why we choose forex through our quick and brief overview. 

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