Which Coffee Cup do I Need?

It’s not surprising that coffee is among the most popular drinks globally. Whether you love to make coffee in the morning or purchase a cup of the beverage at your favorite coffee house, there has never been a shortage of the beverage. If you’re running a coffee business, you already know that not everyone will sit in your café to take coffee – some people will need takeaway coffee. So, will you serve such customers coffee using the same cups as those you use in your home?
When deciding on the types of coffee cups you need, you should consider the following things:
- The coffee serving temperatures
- Surface texture and feel of the takeaway coffee cup
- Custom printing options
- The size of cups you need
- The insulation properties of the cup.
Plastic, paper, or foam?
Since you now know what you should consider when looking for a takeaway coffee cup in Australia, you should decide whether you will buy plastic, paper, of foam coffee cups.
Paper coffee take away cups can be air pocket insulated, made of poly-coated paper or made of post-consumer fibers. Before you buy coffee takeaway cups made of paper material, you should first know the various types of paper coffee cups available.
Air pocket insulated cups keep the beverage warm without burning the user’s hands. Note that the inner sheet and the outer sheet of the cup are separated by a layer of air to enhance insulation properties.
Poly-coated takeaway coffee cups feature a polymer coating to enhance the cup’s insulation properties. Such cups are perfect for serving hot beverages. The cup may have a single or double poly-coating, and each additional layer offers extra rigidity. Poly-coated cups come in a broad range of colors and sizes. Besides, these cups feature tightly rolled rims to minimize chances of leaks when taking the coffee.
Wax-coated paper cups have many similarities poly-coated paper cups. However, they offer extra rigidity and protection from beverage leakage and absorption. Also, they have better insulation properties than poly-coated cups. Keep in mind that wax-coated paper cups are ideal for serving cold drinks such as iced tea, milkshakes, lemonade, and more.
Plastic cups
You can also purchase plastic takeaway cups. For high-class option with the convenience of disposability, consider buying hard plastic cups. They are uniquely designed to handle hot chocolate, piping hot coffee or tea.
Foam cups
Foam takeaway coffee cups have efficient insulation, and this makes these cups a great option if you want to serve both hot and cold beverages. They are available in traditional white and printed patterns. In fact, you can customize them by printing your business logo on them.
The type of takeaway coffee cups you choose will make a big difference in terms of attracting new customers and retaining the existing ones.
If you are planning to Buy Coffee Takeaway Cups, the author of this article recommends www.wholesale.com.au.
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