What Window Film Can and Can’t Do
The application of frosted window film is increasingly popular and there are many reasons for this. It’s often used to increase privacy by fixing frosted glass film to Sydney windows so people can’t see in.
It’s also used as a decorative feature, to increase security and to add insulation that saves on heating and cooling costs. But is it as good as it’s claimed to be? Does it have all the properties that many people think or are some claims exaggerated?
The Benefits of Window Frosting in Sydney
Window film is generally applied to the interior of windows and sticks to the glass. It’s available as different types with varying properties and can have a plain or frosted appearance, sometimes with various patterns or motifs. There are many claims made about it and some are more accurate than others.
1. Storm protection. Many people exaggerate the ability of window film to prevent storm damage and lower insurance costs. While it’s true the film can’t provide the same protection as storm shutters, it will prevent windows shattering and protects against flying glass.
2. Durability. There are claims that window film doesn’t last very long, tending to bubble, crack and peel after a while. Whilst that may have been true many years ago, it no longer is. Most film comes with a fifteen-year warranty and, with the right application and conditions, can last much longer.
3. Energy saving. Window film reduces heat gain when it’s hot and retains interior heat when it’s cold outside. That means lower air conditioning and heating bills, so the film generally pays for itself within two years.
4. Added security. It’s often claimed that window film will prevent break-ins because intruders can’t get through the glass. That’s not strictly true because anyone who’s committed will always find a way through. However, the glass will hold together better and require much more effort to penetrate it, which will deter opportunist thieves.
5. Reduced fading. Bright sunlight is the main cause of fading in curtains and other furnishings. Since window film blocks over 99% of UV light, fading is largely prevented although it cannot be stopped entirely due to other factors.
More Uses than you Think
Window film can provide plenty benefits apart from improving your privacy without blocking natural light or having the drawbacks of curtains, blinds and shutters. The film also has the advantage of looking great, with a wide range of designs from plain and frosted to elaborate patterns and bespoke motifs.
The use of film isn’t restricted to windows. Use it to decorate glass door panels and cupboard fronts, to block ugly views and to add character to any room. With the wide range of window films we have available, plus our bespoke service, you won’t be short of ideas.