What Type Of Behaviors Are Considered Sexual Harassment At Work?

Posted by Burgis Law
May 1, 2021
Each year thousands of people change their job due to sexual harassment. The common victims of such cases are generally females. Many victims of sexual harassment never even take any strict step towards those who are responsible for it (harassers). Some hide all that is happening to them, due to their low job position or because they don’t want to lose the job and money.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a highly serious topic that many times go unreported as well as unnoticed. Workplace sexual harassment can ruin a great job. It can turn a workplace into an unproductive and toxic environment. It often goes unreported, as the victims of it may be unsure that what they should do when they experience it and what qualifies as sexual harassment. In such cases, it is better to hire a sexual harassment lawyer, to provide the best guidance and help you take strict actions against the harassers.

Sexual harassment at the workplace takes many different forms. Such harassment can come from a supervisor, a client or customer, or a coworker. The harassment may range from inappropriate jokes, unwanted touching, inappropriate comments, or fake promises in exchange for sexual favors. To better know about such harassment, it is important to know the types of behaviors that are considered sexual harassment at work.

Unwanted Advances:-

When someone makes harassing phone calls or office visits, sends letters, and pressures the coworker of the employee for sexual favors or dates, then it is considered sexual harassment. Many people face sexual harassment in the form of unwanted advances by employers in return for any sexual favor or with romantic or sexual intent, such behavior is considered sexual harassment at work. Asking someone to go out with the intention of sexual favors or unwelcome sexual advances is considered illegal.

Sexual Comments:-

A sexual comment is another considered sexual harassment behavior, that is faced by many at the workplace. Such types of behavior include dirty comments or jokes regarding one's physical attributes. It also includes spreading rumors about any coworkers' sexual activity or talking about his/her sexual activity with others. Such behavior also includes distribution or displaying pornography. People at the workplace also face such types of unwanted comments in person or via instant messaging, email, Web pages, blogs, social media, etc.

Inappropriate Touching:-

This type of behavior includes any type of unwanted touching like kissing, hugging, touching, or sexually fondling oneself just to show others. Such type of behavior under sexual harassment also includes criminal acts like sexual assault, rape, or any other type of forced sexual act.

Physical Coercion:-

Physical coercion is a behavior that means any type of pressure to engage in sexual activity. It includes the force to comply with the sexual advances or punishment at refusal. If an employer forces any employee for any type of sexual activity, with the threat of job loss or insult, in case of refusal, then it is considered sexual harassment.

Inappropriate Images or Graffiti:-

When someone sends or shows inappropriate and unwanted written graffiti or images, videos, etc. to the other person at the workplace, then it is considered sexual harassment. This can be in the form of text messages, emails, links to websites of a sexual nature, written materials, or sexually charged name-calling.

It is important not to ignore any such type of behavior. The victim of sexual harassment should always take a stand against the harasser. This can also be done by hiring a professional sexual harassment lawyer, to file the case and make the process less lengthy. Sexual harassment at work is not just limited to females only, many times males too become the victim due to harassment done by female employer or coworker. Similarly, same-sex harassment by a female against another female and a male against another male is also illegal.
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