What to look out for selecting your development or marketing Outsourcing companies

Posted by Synergy Consulting
May 12, 2017
​The world is a place for business and with the inception of internet, it has been a real revolution. The internet has been able to bridge the gap between the distant lands. As the communication gap has been bridged, now we know the world much better. We have seen the impossible things which we have never dreamt. The IT companies or  mobile app development company play a major role in shaping the world with all new inventions and gadgets. However, the IT companies believe in outsourcing. It has been a growing area for business. Not only the IT part but also the other support functions such as HR, Account, and Marketing depend on outsourcing. Outsourcing means giving the responsibility to a third party for handling the demands of a particular company. There are many benefits of the outsourcing – 
The companies can easily access the great talent which might not be able to get in touch easily.

It reduces the need for an in house team which ultimately reduces the pressure for the clients

It brings down the number of agencies which are specialist. So the requirements by the marketing companies are taken by the outsourcing team.


Well failure is inevitable and one needs to learn from failures only. However, the world withstands the failures but mostly we remember the ones who succeeded. The IT companies’ growth has been an exponential growth and it is not a joke any more. The last decade has seen the most rise in terms of companies and the pressure the IT companies have to deliver the services and goods or products are huge. So they also opt for the outsourcing. Well, it can be in terms of the software developmentapp development for the Play store of Google or it can be just website development

We currently live in an era which has seen the most modern technologies till date. Now it is the future which promises us so much in terms of evolution. To the surprise for all of us, even when the number of IT professionals are increasing with each passing day, the IT companies are opting for outsourcing. But the companies can’t operate properly. The leaner operation always is a drawback for any company.


IMPROPER STRATEGY – well, there has to be clear objective for any type of mission. Right? Same goes with the process of outsourcing. The cost has to be one of the important factor in the process of outsourcing. The ultimate thing is the saving of the amount. When the cost is kept in mind, the companies would choose the cheapest agencies in the market to outsource their jobs like the software development, web page development or it may be for just an app development.

INDISTINCT NECESSITIES – when there is an outsourcing for software development to an agency, the process has to be made clear to the agencies about the requirements which may include usage of various tools, IPs, software and many more. They have to be given a demo before the deal is finalized. In the mid-way, the process should not be changed.

POOR TRANSTION- there has to be a bridging the gap which means that the changeover process has to be accurate and it has to be according to the plan or as desired. There has to be proper tools for managing the transition process. It must be ensured that the agencies use the updated tools for the website development. It should maintain the standard with the latest technology.

THE CHANGEOVER – if there is change required in the process in the mid-way process, it becomes a problem for the agencies. If the provider does not know what you are demanding, it may result in failure which will hamper the process. There must be proper and professional communication among the providers and the companies. The performance has to be reviewed on a weekly basis. It should be checked so that the best output comes out. 

Conflicting Interests – if there is a conflict between the agencies or the companies, then t may be a great problem for the business and the customers. It will lead to failed outsourcing attempt. There has to be a common interest for all. Else, the output won’t come for the company. 


Now a days, business is carefully handled in each part of the world. So, it must be given to a particular party who are expert in each field. Thus, it is done to ensure that your business has a smooth run. Whatever may be the outsourcing, there should certain points that needs to be taken into consideration before taking the step for outsourcing for web page designing, software developmentapp development. The main objective is to gain or accomplish the goals that has been set by the company. Well, it may be a sort of help for each of the existing customer. This would help to build a trust and the work would run efficiently. It may include innovative ways to discover some things which would be beneficial in the long run. 

THE STRATEGY - with the outsourcing coming into the picture, it has been able to present new key business goals and also has set a standard for all the companies. the access to customer has got very easy with this strategy. However, there has to be a concrete strategy or plan on which the outsourcing agencies are going to work. It has to be ensured that every possible demand of the clients is met and truly checked.

Costs – the era where we are living demands the best. Now there should be certain things which needs to be kept in mind before taking a leap and that is nothing than the cost. Well cost is something which we all need to give it a thought. The main objective to get efficiency but one needs to check the amount and the efficiency ratio. The quality also must be kept in mind while the strategies are going on. Cost saving often act as a boost for all. It may also have an impact on the pay structure of the employees. 

Talent Pool – the task force has to be skilled and efficient else the time would pass away and you would incur a huge loss. The selection of the group has to be done in such a way that every possible demands are met. Talent saturation level has to be considered as well. There has to be review for each department about the talent pool to ensure that the work is going fine and in the smooth manner. Sometimes the local workers have to be given a shot to test their expertise. 

Technology Infrastructure- the main key to perform in this digital and technological world is the knowledge that you possess about the technology. The processes need to get advanced in the most professional manner. Only success is bound to come in the way. There can be failures in the mid-way process. It can be breakdown of any important device, power grids, cell towers and many more. 

IP Protection and Legal Maturity- Well, protecting your machine is the most important job in the process of working. And if your machine is in constant touch with the IP, it must be protected. There are certain laws which one need to abide by and also to maintain privacy. If your initiative or working process require the creation of IP by the service provider’s team, then ensure that the country has enough laws, patent and copyright protected laws. This is done to ensure that the company is prevented from piracy and other illegal works. 


Globalization and industrialization have taken over the world. In this digital world, where many companies are going hard bound to save huge costs, optimizing efficiency and also providing the best service. Time is also a main factor for doing all this work. Well, the answer for all this is the outsourcing. 

It is the only gateway to success. Outsourcing software development have found to be pretty successful over the last few decades. Now it has become a trend. With the globalization coming into picture, the world has become more competitive. Outsourcing not only reduces the internal cost but also it helps to focus on the business in the most efficient manner. 

It is best to outsource the development to other agencies than to do the whole structure by your company. The netizens today depend on the technology. They are very restless with the gadgets and always want the best. So, app development team always are busy to fix the bugs to solve the issue or create some new app each day to ease our problems. Each person wants to set their own business, so the website programming has seen a huge rise over the last couple of years. 
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