What should we do when your vitamin D is low

Posted by Darsh K.
Mar 18, 2020

With the outbreak of Covid-19 in China has shocked the world. Spreading almost like wildfire to different continents, the most affected are the old people who have less immunity.  Although the cause for diseases can differ, in general, people with low immunity are more vulnerable to bacterial infections. Apart from having stronger bones, vitamin D plays a crucial part in the well-being of a human body.

Risk Factors:

The deficiency of vitamin D can create complex medical conditions - both for kids and adults. Below are some of the harmful disease and harmful effects:

·       Osteomalacia

·       Rickets

·       High BP

·       Alzheimer's

·       Hair loss

·       Heart ailment

Having a low level of vitamin D can have an adverse effect on the human body, but it's quite easy to rectify this problem too. This post sums up a few tips that help you to regain adequate levels of vitamin D in a quick time.

'Live-in' the Outside World

Vitamin D is the only nutrient that a human body generates when exposed to sunlight. However, with changing lifestyles, studies reveal that fifty percent of the global population doesn't receive sufficient sunlight. It's ideal to spend at least 30 mins every day in the morning under the sun before 10 am.

Diet is the Key

If you are unable to go out, the next option is to consume vitamin D-enriched foods in your daily diet. You can feel lucky as there a quite a few options that can help you to raise the levels of vitamin D in no time. If you like fish, then Tuna, Salmon, and Herring are the ones you have to look out for. If you are a veggie, then have Cod-liver oil that is a popular supplement of vitamin D. Fortified orange juice, milk and cereals are also decent contributors to increase the level of vitamin D.


Vitamin D supplements are the easiest way to restore the normal levels if the previous options are not working out. Unlike other vitamins, that are to be taken at intervals, you can intake vitamin D supplements at one go. However, before buying and consuming, do have a word with your family physician regarding the frequency and quantity.

UV Lamps & Bulbs            

People living in the colder regions, or people who are unable to absorb the vitamin, can opt for this practice, right sitting at their homes. Very similar to tanning beds, but these ultraviolet lamps and bulbs are smaller in size. A word of caution - It's advisable to consult your Doctor before placing them at home. Continuous sitting in front of these lamps increases issues related to skin cancer along with visibility issues.

Having read the above tips to increase the vitamin D levels, it's always an intelligent move to consult your family physician. If in case the level is alarmingly low, the best option is to go for vitamin D therapy under the supervision of a vitamin specialist. Visit your health centre for a vitamin D check-up today. 

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