What make Dedicate Hosting better than shared?

Posted by james Smith
Aug 21, 2019

Summary: Dedicate hosting is a low-cost server service that provides the full advantage of a dedicated server.

Dedicated Hosting is the biggest issue before an online business especially the startup websites that work with limited funding. They choose to work from a shared space to save cost but little do they know that investing dedicated hosting gives more return.

Let’s discuss the advantages of dedicated server service

1. Unique IP address

You have given your website has a name, theme, and design to make it look unique but shared hosting strips the website with the uniqueness. Since it is on a shared space, it shares everything including the IP address. But dedicated hosting allows websites to retain their unique characters.

2. Control over resources

Do you know what resources do you need to run your site? Also, you should determine the resources you would need once your site starts growing. Shared hosting comes with limited resources that might find sufficient for today but you would need more resources to accommodate your future needs.

3. Flexibility

The website is unique. Also, the needs of websites vary from one site to another. For example, a site might require lesser RAM and disc space but it doesn’t mean that all sites can work with little disc space. Shared hosting would limit your flexibility to select apps that could be outdated for your needs.

4. Enhanced performance and improved security

Congested shared hosting reduces website uptime to the point where it affects performance. Also, working from a shared environment strips the website of security. For example, if the shared server has a malicious site, it would affect others as well.

5. Cost-effective

Shared hosting could be cheap but it won’t be cost-effective because it would only save you money while providing nothing. Or you can say that you will pay a heavy price for getting nothing from the server. On the other hand, a dedicated server would keep you free from overhead expenses and maintenance charges.


A close study of the advantages of dedicated servers hosting gives a clear idea of how a dedicated environment would help your website. You will get the resources you need to grow your business; it would build the credibility of your business and you won’t have to worry about overhead expenses.

If you want, you can build the fastest dedicated server but it is always better to buy a hosting service. Let a professional handle your server needs and you remain free to focus on important areas like client servicing and business development.

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