What are the 7 reasons for choosing cloud shared website hosting?

Posted by james Smith
Nov 19, 2019

Cloud shared website hosting would better suit your needs, if the price is a big concern for you. 

If you are looking for a hosting service to launch your first ever website then consider buying an affordable web hosting service that will give you the power to work on the web at a discounted price. 

Cloud shared website hosting is the best choice for a startup like yours. It would be a great start to a successful business. Your site would become life at less than $4/month price and you will get freedom from server issues forever. 

Let’s count the benefits of could shared hosting service

1. Flexible pricing structure

You will pay the price for the services you use. Simply put, you will get the maximum return on your investment. Every penny spent on hosting service would be utilized to boost the performance of your website. 

2. Redundant server environment

Cloud hosting defies the norms of regular hosting service. Here your site would get the support of multiple servers. It would help in the situation of server issues. Your site won’t do down due to a server issue because the standby server would load its live version with immediate effect.

3. Safety from hardware issues

Cloud hosting will keep your site safe from issues like hardware failure and hacking. You won’t have to worry about the problems related to a physical server because of the cloud environment. 

4. Decrease overall environment impact

Cloud hosting is different from its traditional counterpart where many sites share the same space and resources. In traditional shared hosting, your site can’t remain safe from the overall environmental impact of other sites. But there is no such hassle in the cloud server.

5. Simple management

Technical advancements have made cloud hosting simple even for those with a non-technical background. You will get a simple dashboard with fewer tabs and buttons but it would provide comprehensive details about your server uses and website performance.

6. Faster website speed

Cloud hosting would provide blazing fast speed to your site. Also, it would help in load balancing between multiple server environments. The load balancing would remove pressure from single server resources. 

7. High uptime

With shared website hosting, uptime would never be a concern. In traditional hosting, the uptime depends on the physical server environment. But in cloud hosting, the server becomes online. 

Choose affordable shared hosting for your website and save some money while getting quality hosting service. With cloud hosting, pricing would never be a concern. Also, you will get the support you need to keep your site live and running all the time.

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