What is the Canned Oil Phenomenon of Galvanized Roofing sheets?

Posted by Xing Tian
Dec 7, 2022

Galvanized roofing sheets are a durable, long-lasting material that is ideal for roofing and wall applications. However, one problem that often occurs with flat metal sheets is oil canning. This problem only affects the aesthetics of the sheets and is not a reason for the rejection or failure of a roofing or wall application.

It is important to understand that there is no 100% guarantee that your roof sheets will not experience oil canning. This problem cannot be completely resolved when it occurs. However, it is also important to understand that the problem is entirely aesthetically related. If oil cans appear on your metal sheets, this does not mean that the integrity or structure of your metal roof or wall system is compromised. Oil cans also do not affect the weathering or water resistance of the panel, and the best way to prevent them is to follow the suggested tips listed below before installation.

There are a few things you can do to minimize oil canning before installing metal sheets. You can take the following steps.

Add Stripes - Stripes are a series of ridges, ribs, or waves added to the metal panel to minimize or minimize the appearance of oil cans. They can help standing seams Standing Seam and other flat sheets look their best. You should discuss galvanized roofing sheets options with a product specialist.

Choose Thicker Gauges - If possible, choose stronger thicker gauges when you select details for metal sheets (gauges are the thickness of the metal sheets). By choosing thicker metal, the metal is more difficult to move and yield.

Hire an expert installer - Oil cans are a common result of mistakes or improper installation. Ensuring that you hire a team of metal roofing experts for installation can reduce the likelihood of oil canning occurring. They should ensure that the sheets are installed on a flat, even substrate or roof deck. They should also ensure that the sheets are handled with proper care and that they are installed with the proper technique.

Choose a low gloss finish or textured finish - When choosing the finish you want to use on your metal, choosing a low gloss or matte finish will reduce the reflection of the metal and make oil cans less visible. You can also choose a matte textured finish, which also helps minimize the appearance of rippling.

Use support bars (if possible) - Installing support bars on the available sheets can also help minimize oil cans. These may be applied to flat panel applications depending on availability.

Choose a narrower width - Since oil cans are more visible in the wide, flat portion of the panel, choosing a narrower width can reduce the appearance of this problem. Since there is less space between the panel widths, oil cans will be minimized.

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