What is ready concrete mix and why is it so popular?

Posted by Divya S.
Dec 29, 2017

The construction industry is clearly showing a preference for ready mixed concrete. Over 60% of construction works are being carried with the ready concrete mix. If you are wondering why, here is a complete lowdown on it for you.

What is ready mix concrete?

Ready mix concrete is readymade concrete available for use. It is tailor-made for construction work. This concrete mix saves time and trouble as there is no need to buy the raw materials separately and mix them after measuring the proportions.

The market for readymade mix concrete is huge. There are expert suppliers who provide good quality readymade mix concrete at affordable rates.

How is ready mix concrete prepared?

There are a few vital ingredients needed to prepare the readymade concrete mixture. These essential ingredients are water, cement, air, additives, and aggregates. Water is the vital fluid in the mix. The aggregates are usually obtained from quarries and constitute 60% to 75% of the volume of the mixture. Additives are solid or liquid components that improve the durability of the mixture.  Cement is the most important component that lends resistance to the concrete. 

Benefits of using ready mixed concrete

The increasing popularity of readymade concrete mixture can be attributed to three main reasons - quality, convenience, and economy. Let us elaborate.

Ready mix concrete is produced with good quality raw materials under controlled conditions. Thus, the quality of the mixture is always assured.

Since concrete mixture can be obtained by ordering, there is no need to store the raw materials at the site. The construction workers do not have to handle cement, water, and additives. This saves space, money and time.

The speed of construction can be increased as the workers do not have to prepare the concrete mixture. Any amount of concrete can be ordered and used at the sites. This facilitates speedy construction and generates higher values.

Moreover, no batching plant has to be erected at the site which saves cost on equipment.

 It has been found that consumption of cement is reduced by 10% -12% when the ready mixture of concrete is used. This is because the raw materials are handled in a better way and wastage is minimized. If instead of cement, cementitious or mineral admixtures are used, the consumption of cement can be further reduced which would have positive effects on the economy, environment, and health.

Dust pollution is reduced drastically as cement is used in bulk and not bags while making the mixture.

Another direct effect of saving cement is a reduction in energy consumption and other natural resources, which again decreases pollution and keeps the environment clean and green.

The concrete mixture can be customized to suit different placing methods as needed by the constructors.

It is a proven fact that ready mixture of concrete is more durable thus decreasing cost.

The concrete mixture can be delivered on time whatever be the requirement. Both small and large pours are available.

The benefits associated with ready mixed concrete have made it very popular with construction workers. The reduction in cost and pollution encourage people to use more of the readymade mixture. With the increase in quality, the popularity of ready concrete mix would further propel.

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