What is Payroll management and payroll management software.

Posted by Endeavour Africa
Sep 8, 2017
Image Payroll is a kind of payment. Payroll solution or Payroll management system is the process which employers pay an employee for the work they have completed. Small size or large size any business with employees should have a payroll established.
Handling payroll typically involves sending out payslips to employees.

A payroll is a company's list of its employees, but the term is commonly used to refer to
  • The total amount of money that a company pays to its employees.
  • A company's records of its employees' salaries and wages, bonuses, and withheld taxes
  • The company's department that calculates and pays these.

The payroll management system deals with the financial aspects of employee's salary, deductions and allowances, gross pay and net pay etc. and generation of pay-slips for any specific period.

Our Pay Master software is very useful in payroll solution because payroll department is critical because employees are sensitive to payroll errors and irregularities. They requires payroll to be paid timely and accurately. The first mission of the payroll department is to ensure that all employees are paid accurately & timely with correct withholding's and deductions.
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Comments (2)
Endeavour Africa


Thanks Devesh for Question.
Yes you Can use PAYMASTER Payroll Management software for Any Size of business.

Sep 8, 2017 1 Like Like it
Devesh Chauhan

seo expert, digital marketing, wordpress developer

Can i use payroll software for my small business for managing my employees payroll?

Sep 8, 2017 Like it
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