What is Packaging List Envelope? How does it help?

Posted by Jagannath Polymers
Oct 20, 2020

A few years back, frequently missing couriers was a very common thing. One of the main reasons was that the missing invoice sheet on the package. It is not that the sender did not mention the details on the package. But weather conditions, mishandling of the package, or other reasons often damagedthe label. 

This creates not only a trouble for the sender and the recipient of the package. It was also a trouble for the person who is in charge of delivering the package. The Packing list envelopes came up as a great savior option in such a case. 

What is Packaging List Envelope?

The plastic envelope on a package for courier these days is the Packaging List Enevelopes or the packaging list envelope. This envelope contains a paper that has all the important details of the packaging such as the product details, the address of the recipient, and the sender’s details. 

In short, the invoice goes in this envelope that is on the package. Most of the courier and ecommerce service providers make use of the packing list envelopes for several benefits that it offers. 

How Packaging List Envelope Help?

There can be several ways how the packaging list envelope actually help. Here are some of the important ones to talk about. 

Durable and Rigid:

One of the crucial benefit of the envelope is that it is durable and highly rigid. The base material of the envelope of polyethylene film. This makes the envelope highly tensile so that it does not gets damaged even when it is exposed to several wear and tear conditions. It reaches the recipient in an intact way. 

Resistant to Weather Conditions:

Whether it is raining heavily or the sun is bright, it does not impact the quality of the Packaging List Envelopes . The material of the envelope is very much resistant to moisture as well as different temperature ranges. So, even when the package is exposed to high temperature or high rain, it keeps teh invoice inside safe. 

Stays Intact with the Package:

The envelope is attached to the package with the help of hot glue. The material of the envelope is strong enough to tolerate the temperature of the hot glue and sticks to the package in a strong way. It does not come out of the package even when it is exposed to extreme conditions. It reaches to the customer or teh recipient safe and intact with the package. 

Available in Varied Dimensions:

There is no need of attaching a big envelope on a smaller package. These envelopes are available in different dimensions so that the right one can be used for varied packages. Selecting the right service provider such as Jagannath Polymers can help in getting Packaging list envelopes of high-quality in different dimensions. 

Customization Available:

Different service providers offer different customization options for the envelopes. Envelopes with the customizable option of re-closable feature is highly useful for a number of clients and brand owners. Again, selecting the right service provider such as Jagannath Polymers can help in getting the right envelopes with the right features. 

A proper packaging is very important today as goods are traveling not just cross cities but also cross countries at times. There can be different instances in transit such as exposure to weather conditions, aggression, and many others. Often the packaging of the goods are done carefully so that it does not get damaged. The invoice has to be pasted on the top so that the service provider can check out the address of the recipient and other details when required. In such a condition, protecting the invoice also becomes quite crucial. The use of Packaging List Envelopes in this conditions is one the best choices that any service provider makes.  

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