What is freeze dried for long term food storage?

Posted by Atanu Pramanik
Jun 5, 2014

Freeze drying is a long-term food storage method by which foodstuffs are preserved for long timeframe without affecting natural flavors, tastes, vitamins and nutritional values. The principle of this methodology of freeze-drying food was introduced in old Peruvian Andes Incas. Freeze-drying also known as “lyophilization” scientifically, is the long term and emergency food preservation system by sublimation or removal of water or liquid substance from frozen foodstuffs. The processing happens under a vacuum, with the plant or animal item particularly solidified throughout the methodology. Freeze dried food keeps going longer than other saved food and is light, which makes it ideal for space travel, emergency needs, transportation and long term usage. The Peruvian Incas put away their potatoes and other foodstuffs on the mountain statures above the Machu Picchu. The icy mountain temperature was used to solidify the food and the water inside gradually vaporized under the low gaseous tension of the high heights.

In the time of World War II, it was required to preserve foods for long term usage because of unavailability of essential foods. The freeze dried methodology was formed economically to preserve chemicals for forensic analysis. Consequently it was applied in order to stock foodstuffs for long time object to satisfy emergency needs. Freeze drying obliges the utilization of an exceptional machine called a freeze dryer. This machine has an extensive chamber for solidifying and a vacuum pump for evacuating dampness.

There is no genuine creation like a freeze-dryer. The function of a freeze dryer is very sophisticated so that it can perform long term food storage without affecting instinctive qualities inside of the food. There are four consecutive steps to be followed to accomplish freeze-dried foods for the purpose of long-term food storage.

Firstly the food is being frozen. This gives an important condition to low temperature drying. After freezing, the item is set under vacuum. This empowers the frozen dissolvable in the item to vaporize without passing through the fluid stage, a procedure known as the sublimation. Then the item gets heating by applying high temperature. This heating temperature is associated to the solidified frozen item to quicken sublimation or removal of liquid substances. Finally the condensation technique is applied to condense foodstuffs. Low temperature plates of condenser evacuate the vaporized solvents within food from vacuum chamber by returning back to the solid state. In this stage unfrozen molecules are removed foods become freeze dried for long term storage.

In freeze-drying, dampness sublimes straightforwardly from the compact solid to vapor, subsequently preparing an item with controllable humidity, no need for cooking or refrigeration, and common flavor and color.

There are numerous reasons behind storage foodstuffs for long-term consumption. In case of space travel there is no availability of natural foods. To satisfy emergency needs in the time of natural disaster and calamities foods are preserved carefully. In order to transport perishable food items proper preservation is significantly required to protect from spoiling and damage. For above all the mentioned situation long term food storage is essential to survive. The freeze drying becomes best among all the food storage techniques. That’s why it is highly recommended to follow freeze drying method for the purpose of long-term food storage.

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