What is Blog Marketing: Here are the Strategies

Posted by Elena G.
Sep 29, 2021

Regardless of its size, its audience or economic sector, all companies should have a blog. Several recent studies have shown the content marketing strategy as one of the most recommended digital marketing strategies for organizations.

 What is a blog?

The blog is a website that is periodically updated and stores the articles chronologically by one or more authors, the most recent appearing first. Those who write in a blog are called bloggers or bloggers.

All businesses should have a blog, regardless of its size and audience, as this is the center of the content marketing strategy.


1. It will improve your SEO (search engine optimization)

If your digital marketing company page is not very large, you may have problems positioning yourself for certain keywords, having a blog widens the spectrum of keywords for which you can appear. Also, it will increase the refresh rate, which is also a factor that will help you.

2. It will help you in the loyalty of your visitors

If you offer quality content, you will get users of your page who entered it little, access more often to consult the blog, thus being able to access other news, offers, launches, etc. In addition, as your blog grows you can create a community of subscribers who will follow your news and collaborate on its dissemination.

3. Provides you content for social networks

It is a basic source of content for any strategy in social networks, it allows you to share your own content and derive traffic to your web portal.

4. Improve your online reputation

Having a quality blog on your website will help you demonstrate your knowledge of the sector, in addition a blog humanizes your company, your portal will cease to be a company that simply offers its data on the internet and will become one that provides knowledge, it will also show that there are real people behind that brand.

5. It will make you improve and know your target audience better

If you analyze the data of the blog, the searches that are made in it, and the comments on the post, you can achieve a greater knowledge of the needs or interests of your target audience and detect this, it can lead you to improve your services, processes or products.

Content Marketing Strategy:

In this part of the content plan for a blog, the strategies to follow are established based on the previously established objectives. We differentiate the following 5 types of complementary strategies from each other:

Informative content

Here the strategy is based on disseminating informative content, relevant to your target audience. So you can aspire to be one of their main means of communication in the matter that you offer them.

Content focused on your brand

Strategy focused on publishing content focused on your brand, in order to improve and strengthen its image.

Viral content

This strategy now many internet marketing company now use. This strategy consists of detecting content on the Internet with a high level of diffusion and creating similar ones in order to make them viral and have a greater chance of receiving traffic to the web.

Content to gain traffic

It consists of focusing the strategy on the use of as many keywords as necessary to increase the levels of traffic to the web regardless of its quality.

Build the Blog:

A professional blog should be built to build trust and have full integration with social networks to allow you to grow your community and spread the content. Some of the following platforms with which you can blog are:

The use of content managers such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and others or free platforms such as Blogger.com, WordPress.com and Tumblr.com, among others.


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