What is Blockchain?

Blockchain has almost become a
buzzword in today’s technology landscape. Everyone is talking about it. But,
have you truly understood the concept of blockchain, how it works, what problem
does it solve? If not, you have probably been under the perception that
blockchain is a complex technology, which can only be grasped by tech geeks. In
reality, it is not the case. Blockchain technology undoubtedly has complex
technical layers. But, at its core, it is powered by the most basic and simple
Blockchain is a decentralized ledger - a record-keeping
mechanism that records and stores transactions at multiple places. This
essentially means that there is no single entity controlling the process. Hence
there is no single point of failure.
In the existing systems, verifying, transacting, and recording -
all these processes are controlled by centralized entities. In the case of
technical failure or dishonest practices, the actual stakeholders do not have
control over their data, money or any asset. Blockchain solves this problem by
distributing the power of control across a network, where each participant has
equal access.
- Immutability: Data on a blockchain can
only be entered, neither edited nor deleted, unless more than 50% of the
network agrees to do so.
- Transparency: Everyone involved in a
blockchain network has equal access and authority. The technology runs on
consensus and is democratic in its truest sense.
- Security: Transactions over a blockchain network are
cryptographically encrypted. Hence, there are minimum or zero security
These three factors, along with many others make blockchain a far
better option than the existing systems of record keeping. Future’s Finance is an advanced blockchain
solution that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and machine
learning to deliver financial services and optimize the way people handle their
digital assets. For more in for please check the website https://fufi.info/