What is a smart classroom?

Posted by Digital Teacher
Oct 20, 2020

Long gone are the days where just a blackboard and chalk were used to teacher children lessons. Students of the current age are hyperactive and lack concentration. It takes more than just plain old classes to keep them engrossed into learning.

Quality education is an essential requisite in today’s competitive environment. Technology has affected us in every aspect. The smart classes is a modernised method of education in Indian education scenario which provides quality education to students by helping them in better concept formation, concept elaboration, improvement in reading skills and academic achievement.

"The students of the future will demand the learning support that is appropriate for their situation or context. Nothing more, nothing less. And they want it at the moment the need arises. Not sooner, not later. Mobile devices will be a key technology to providing that learning support."

Dr. Marcus Specht, Professor of Advanced Learning Technologies, Open University of Netherlands.

With over 15 lakh schools shut down in India due to the pandemic, students all over the country now look up to e-learning.

E-learning has changed the entire game of education technology worldwide especially since the COVID-19 lockdown started. Technology was always known as a boon or a bane thing, but without any doubt it has proven to be a boon in these times.

 Every student that you know of right now is relying on distance education for his/her cognitive needs. 

In this age, almost every household has an internet connection and access to online learning and a recent survey states that for those who do have proper access to online learning, they could retain 40-60% better than what they could retain in the physical classroom. This is mostly because students can go at their own pace online and reread topics over and again as they like.

Many education technology companies are making it easier for the lower income strata to access online education for free. Many governments across the globe have been starting new e-learning programmes to ensure that everyone has equal access to education in these tough times.

The Central government has recently launched the PM e-VIDYA platform, with 12 new DTH channels, one for each class to reach out to all strata’s of society. These efforts have proved beneficial to a sizable chunk of the school-going population. 

A famous edutech company based in Bangalore stated that their demand has shot up by 200% due to the covid lock-down.

It is true that most schools are conducting online classes and teaching with zoom app, but the efficacy of it is debatable.

Many students are not comfortable with zoom classes due to connectivity issues. Teachers too find it difficult to monitor the children over an application.

Children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) find it very hard to focus on the online classes. That's where the usage of digital teacher steps in.

Edutech companies like Digital teacher make interactive learning possible with the help of efficient graphics and conducive teaching to help enhance the learning experience of students.

Over 6,000 schools in India use Digital Teacher to educate their students 

Digital teacher or other such education technologies make it possible for the students to learn at any time of the day at their convenience without having any time bound  restrictions 

Being able to read and learn at their own pace is one of the best things a student could do to increase his/her productivity and concentration.

Smart classroom help stimulate all the senses of students and help them in learning and retaining learnt information well.

Digital Teacher is the brainchild of Code & Pixels Interactive Technologies, a company based in Hyderabad.

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