Ways to Select the Best Olive Oil for Cooking
Select the best cooking oil for the best health benefits
Before selecting the best cooking oil for health one must research and understand the different type of fats. Fats are of different categories. Either they can be good, bad or neutral for a healthy body. Fats in general mean lipids which mostly come from meat or dairy products. Oils, on the other hand, are also fats which are in their liquid state and are fetched from plants.
Saturated Fats- One can find saturated fats in various animal products. These are used by the liver and transformed into cholesterol. Meat products, dairy products, butter etc come under saturated fat. In a room temperature they are in their solid form and hence they are associated with many cardiovascular diseases and elevation of cholesterol levels
Unsaturated Fats- Unsaturated fats are primarily of two types – monosaturated and polyunsaturated. The cholesterol levels in the blood are not elevated by both these fats. Some of the best cooking oil having high levels of monosaturated fats is olive oils and canola oils. Corn oil and safflower oil comprises of high levels of polyunsaturated fats.
Trans Fats- These are made from liquid oil and are known as processed or manmade fats.
These run the risk to the heart more than saturated fats. They increase the level of cholesterol in addition to the depletion of good cholesterol in the body. Good cholesterol usually helps protect the body against potential heart ailments.
Olive Oil as a Medium for Healthy Cooking
Olive oil use in cooking is considered as the healthiest choice since it comprises of monosaturated oil which is extracted from olives ripened in trees. Colour of the olive oils can vary from light shades of amber to green with a variety of different flavours some being bland to some extremely strong. As per its acidic degree, it is graded. A “virgin” olive oil is used by a cold press process where no chemicals or heat is used. It has very low acidic levels. The oil offers Vitamin E and F to the body. A “pure” labelled olive oil uses heat and chemicals for processing and pressing. An unrefined one uses a 3200 F and is mostly recommended to be used for stir-frying, baking, sautéing or wok cooking.
Extra virgin olive oil cooking offers a differentiated flavour which is fetched from plant compounds or polyphenols. Since heat or chemicals destroys such compounds they are not used. This can kill the natural fruit like the flavor it has. Moreover, processing cuts down all the health benefits. The primary health advantages of these are as follows:-
· The polyphenols are a safeguard for the plant as well as to the human cells. Studies and observations has showcased that stress can be overcome with the help of the polyphenols. Oxidative stress can even cause cancer and hence cooking oil if it is olive oil can protect one from many diseases.
· It is extremely good for the heart. It prevents coronary cardiac diseases, protects against hypertension and also lowers down the bad cholesterol level.
Author Bio: Sarah Park is a life coach and believes in living green. She is teaching people the numerous benefits of using olive oil which is completely harmless and has zero negative side effects. The green technology is helping people not just protect their health but also safeguard the environment.