VoIP Vs Traditional Phone Systems

Posted by Braden Martin
Nov 21, 2019

A VoIP phone system is a system that connects the main business phone number to a mobile or home phone. It immediately allows businesses to work from locations other than the company's office.

And these two are not the only reasons why VoIP is preferred over traditional phone systems. Thus, here is a detailed comparison to help you decide which phone system will suit your business better.

VoIP Vs Traditional Phone Systems

1. Cost

Let’s start the comparison by addressing the elephant in the room. Usually, the cost is the biggest deciding factor in choosing any particular service. And the traditional phone system was never known as a budget-friendly service. 

The cost of setting up a traditional phone goes up to $100 and if you need additional functions or features for your telephone system such as intercom or call transfer, you’ll need to install a Private Branch Exchange (PBX). And this will cost you another $1000.

On the other hand, installation of VoIP is usually free of charge and the monthly bill is between $20 and $40, which is up to 60% less than the traditional phones.

2. Features

VoIP phone systems offer virtual receptionist, voicemail-to-email, automatic call forwarding, three-digit dialing, and many more essential features.

Services like push-to-talk, click to call, video conferencing, softphone capabilities, anonymous call rejection, do not disturb, team messaging, and file sharing are the reasons why businesses are shifting towards VoIP phone systems.

3. Call Quality

Initially, poor call quality was the only thing that used to push people towards traditional phone systems. But, with ever-improving technology and availability of faster internet connectivity, VoIP has improved exponentially in this regard.

High bandwidth and have a high-capacity connection will give you superior call quality on a VoIP phone system. While there may be the occasional blips here and there, VoIP sound quality has been highly polished, and if you opt for a reliable VoIP provider, it should be indistinguishable from an actual landline.

4. Convenience

VoIP is capable enough to integrate most of your gadgets and let you work remotely without any hiccups.

The ability to work remotely and use any device in case of an emergency to make calls or messages comes very handy. If companies have offices in different regions or countries, VOIP is ideally suited to handle these internal calls too without any charge.

Also, the communications in VoIP are digitally encrypted unlike the complex circuitry of regular phones.

Not Sure Where To Start?

Blue Fox Group has been providing services related to VoIP phone systems in Phoenix for a long time.

They have created the Blue Fox Communications Lab dedicated to helping businesses test and assess distinct types of phone systems and providers.

Thus, if you have any queries or, just give a call to 1 (480) 941-8280.

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