Vitamin A: Not Just to Fight Male Organ Odor

Posted by John Dugan
Feb 1, 2018

As most men know from unfortunate personal experience, male organ odor can be a frustratingly common problem among guys, and one that can be a huge turn-off to partners. Regular readers know that vitamin A can often help a man deal with persistent male organ odor, as this vitamin has anti-bacterial properties that can attack the root cause of odor. But as valuable as vitamin A is in combatting odor, it would be a mistake to assume this is the only contribution the mighty vitamin makes to member health. Read on to learn more.

About vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin sometimes called retinol. When a vitamin is fat-soluble, that means that it dissolves in fat (as opposed to dissolving in water). Those that dissolve in water are faster acting, whereas those that are fat-soluble tend to be stored in the body for longer periods of time.

Foods with vitamin A

As with most vitamins, vitamin A is commonly found in a wide variety of foods. Some sources are extremely rich in it. For example, one serving (three ounces) of beef liver contains almost 3 times the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A. Turkey breast, on the other hand, doesn’t contain vitamin A.

In addition to beef liver, a person who was trying to get a lot of vitamin A in the fewest foods would want to look at carrots, sweet potatoes and kale, each of which has 100% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A in one serving.  Other high-vitamin A food sources include spinach, cod liver oil, lamb liver, salmon, goat cheese, mustard greens, mangoes and peaches.


So a person needs vitamin A – but what for? Well, on a molecular level, vitamin A is important because it plays a role in cell division and in protecting against damage from free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that occur when the body breaks down foods, and also when it is exposed to smoke or radiation. Some free radicals are good, but when there are too many of them, they can create what is known as oxidative stress, which can be very harmful.

On a more practical level, vitamin A is very important for maintaining vision, especially the ability to see at night. It also helps keep bones and teeth strong and healthy, and is thought to help lower bad cholesterol levels.

But what about benefits for member health, specifically? In addition to fighting male organ odor, as mentioned previously, vitamin A helps to prevent the formation of painful urinary stones and protects the urinary tract’s lining.  Vitamin A is thought to have an impact on cardiac health, which is important in terms of tumescence function.

Retinol also helps keep member skin healthy and looking good. By fighting free radicals, it helps preserve the “youthfulness” of the member skin. It adds to the skin’s moisturization capability, which helps prevent dry splotches and flakiness. And because it pays a role in tissue replenishment, it aids in keeping male member tissue strong.

So vitamin A can help with more than just odor – not that fighting male organ odor in itself isn’t a good enough reason to be sure a guy gets plenty of this vitamin. And regularly using a superior member health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) with vitamin A is an excellent way to maintain member health. In addition to vitamin A, it helps if the crème also contains alpha lipoic acid. This is another potent antioxidant which can provide further assistance to vitamin A in fighting free radicals. And if the crème contains vitamin C, this can aid with the production of collagen, a tissue that gives skin the tone and elasticity that is vital for manhood tumescence.

Visit for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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