Ultimate Checklist for IBSAT 2020 Syllabus
IBSAT 2020 is a national-level management entrance exam. It is a popular
exam among students. The difficulty level is moderate; thus, many prefer to
write it. Before going through the IBSAT syllabus, it is essential to go
through the IBSAT exam pattern:
- There are four sections with
140 questions
- Verbal Ability section has
50 questions
- Reading Comprehension
section has 30 questions
- Quantitative Aptitude has 30
- Data Adequacy and Data
Interpretation has 30 sections.
- Every correct answer is
worth a +1 mark.
- There is no negative marking
- There is no sectional time
- The duration of the exam is
120 minutes.
The topics covered under the syllabus for IBSAT 2020 exam are concepts you have studied between 6th to 12th classes. However, there are some newer concepts under the data adequacy and data interpretation sections.
Here is the
section-wise ultimate checklist for IBSAT syllabus:
Section 1: Verbal Ability
This section is highly scoring. The ideal time to spend on this section
is 20-22 minutes. The topics covered are:
- Grammar topics like nouns,
verbs, adjectives, prepositions, determiners, tenses, clauses, etc.
- Vocabulary questions
covering synonyms, antonyms, incorrect words, and usage of appropriate
words, etc.
- Error spotting
- Analogies
- Para jumbles
- Sentence completion
Section 2: Reading Comprehension
The RC section has mostly inferential questions with a few direct
questions on word meanings etc. The ideal time one should spend on this section
is 25-30 minutes. The structure is:
- Four passages ranging from
400 – 600 words.
- Each passage has 5 to 8 questions.
- The passages range from
various topics like entertainment, cultural, informational, scientific, or
- Sometimes the smaller prose
may be replaced with a poem.
Section 3: Quantitative Aptitude
The QA section covers all mathematical topics you have studied in class
6th to 12th. An excellent way to begin preparing for this section is to go
through NCERT books. The ideal time one should spend 35 to 40 minutes. The
topics covered are:
- Numbers
- Algebra
- Arithmetic concepts like
Time, Speed, Distance, Time & Work, Ratio & Proportion, Profit,
Loss & discount, SI & CI, Partnerships and Percentages
- Geometry
- Mensuration
Section 4: Data Adequacy and Data Interpretation
The DA&DI section tests the analytical and critical reasoning. The
ideal time to be spent on this section is 25 to 30 minutes. The topics covered
in this section are:
- Different types of graphs,
tables, and charts.
- Matrix arrangements
- Cause & Effect
- Data Sufficiency
- Assumptions &
- Statements &
IBSAT exam is conducted every year in the month of December. The
registrations are expected to begin in July 2020 and remain open until a week
before the IBSAT exam in December 2020. Prepare well.
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