Turn Your WordPress Blog Into a Website
Want an easy way to start a website? If you already have a WordPress blog then with a few simple tweaks you can turn your WordPress blog into a website.
You see, a WordPress blog allows you to have both posts and pages.
Let’s talk about the difference between the two:
A post will show up on your blog page. Posts are most commonly listed in chronological order with the most recent post first. They are commonly available with a comment form for users to comment and interact with the blog author. You usually find blog posts by checking the blog page for the most recent post, by clicking on the category you would like to read a post from or by clicking on the archives by date to see posts from that time.
A page is very similar to a post but there are a few differences. Pages do not show up in chronological order as they are normally not dated. A website page is what you would normally find in a menu bar across the top of the website or in the sidebar. These are much more ‘static’ pages. Typical website pages are ‘Home’, ‘About’, ‘Contact’, ‘FAQ’, etc.
So how do you turn a WordPress blog that now just lists posts into a website that also has pages?
What you need to do is go into your WordPress control panel and follow these steps:
1. Create as many pages as you would like for your website. Make sure to create a page you name ‘Home’, this will be used as your homepage. Also create a page named ‘Blog’ which you will use for your blog posts page if you are keeping your blog.
2. Now you will need to go to the ‘Settings’ area that you can see in the menu on the left side of your blog. The drop down menu under Settings will have an option named ‘Reading’, you’ll need to click that.
3. The first option will be ‘Front Page Displays’. Click on the option ‘A Static Page’.
4. Next you will need to set which page you want to be your homepage. As mentioned above choose the page you labeled Home for the homepage and the page you labeled Blog for your posts page.
5. Scroll down and click to save your changes.
That’s how you change your WordPress blog into a website. Please note that this will only work on a blog that is installed on your own hosting.
Imagine how much easier your life will be with a website you can actually update. That’s what a WordPress website can do for your business. Find out more by joining me as I teach you through my online video, webinar and email coaching program how to create your own WordPress blog and website.
By Angela Wills
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