TS EAMCET Hall Ticket to be released on 1st May 2017

The hall ticket for the TS EAMCET will be declared by
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad which is the exam
conducting authority of the entrance exam. The hall ticket will be made
available by the exam conducting authority from 1st May, 2017 to 9th
May, 2017. Only those candidates will be able to download the hall ticket for
the entrance exam who has successfully registered themselves for the entrance
exam. The hall ticket for the entrance exam is important to be carried document
as no candidate without the hall ticket will be allowed to appear in the
entrance exam, so it is mandatory to be carried to the examination hall.
Important things regarding the hall ticket
The hall ticket along with the filled in online application
form with duly affixed recent passport size photograph attested by a Gazette
officer or the principal of the college where candidate has studied the
qualifying examination has to be brought to the examination center by the
candidates. Signature of the candidate and left thumb impression is to be
filled in the respective spaces provided in the filled in online application
form in the presence of Invigilator only.
How to download the hall ticket-
Visit the official website of the exam
conducting authority
Click on the “download the hall ticket” tab
Candidate have to enter the registration number,
hall ticket number of the qualifying examination and date of the birth
Candidate is required to submit all the details
entered above.
Click on the submit tab
A page containing the hall ticket of the
candidate appears on the screen.
The candidate can either download
TS EAMCET 2017 hall ticket or can take the print out
of the hall ticket
Note- The candidate is advised to take 2 print outs of the
hall ticket and maintain it till the end of the admission process and also
candidates are required to take the hall ticket to the examination hall as it a
mandatory document that is required to be carried in order to appear in the
entrance exam
Details in the hall ticket
The following details
are mentioned in the hall ticket of the entrance exam-
Name of the candidate
Time and schedule of the entrance exam
Details of the venue for the entrance exam
Details for the identity of the candidate
All the instructions related to the entrance
Important points
regarding the hall ticket-
The hall ticket will be made available only in
the online mode
Hall ticket is an important document to be
carried in order to appear in the entrance exam as no candidate without the
hall ticket will be allowed to appear in the entrance exam
Hall ticket will be made available only to those
candidates who has successfully completed their registration process
The candidate is required to maintain the hall
ticket till the end of process of admission as it is important document.
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