Training on Manual Handling – 5 Most Important Points Every Worker Must Know

Posted by Yakushi Knives
Apr 2, 2023

Training on manual handling is a legal requirement at workplaces. The expert manual handling trainers train your workers on manual handling and let them know, understand and implement the right techniques so that manual handling is carried out with absolute safety and protection. The training on manual handling mainly covers the five most important points that every worker or employee must know about. We have explained the same below for your help.

1.      Prepare a quick plan – You must never do anything in a hurried way. Instead, you must have a quick plan in your mind regarding the specific work that you are going to do. For instance, if you need to lift an item, you should have a plan of how you would do so. You must consider the quintessential points involved in the lifting of any load like your body posture, your distance from the load, body parts that will bear the maximum load or pressure and the overall strategy to lift the load. Having a clear idea of all these aforementioned points will help you plan the lift of the load in the right and safe way. Again, never be hasty in lifting or putting down the load as unplanned, hurried and improper actions for the same might result in severe injuries. 

2.      Take the right position – The training on manual handling gives utter importance to the right position. As you must be knowing already that all loads are not the same and thus, every load has its own different demand for the right and safe position. One should have the right body position as well as the right position of the load. The professionals who have expertise in training on manual handling will let you know how to take the right position during manual handling. They will explain and make you understand important points like how to take the right body position, the distance at which the load must be placed, the distance of feet from the load, the position of feet, etc.

3.      Take care of your body posture – While you plan to lift any item, you must take care of your body posture. Many of you might have noticed that even if we lift a bucket full of water at our homes in an improper way, it gives us back pain and sometimes, acute injuries too. At the workplace, things are even more complicated as you have to lift heavy weights and different items on a daily basis. During the training on manual handling, the workers are trained about the right body posture so that the risks of injuries can be reduced completely.

4.      Proceeding towards the aimed direction/location – Once you have held and lifted the required load, the next step is to move in the right direction to reach the desired location. This is also an important step and must be carried out properly. Again, the manual handling trainers equip you with the knowledge and training on how to proceed and move with loads to reach the set points or locations.

5.      Placing the object/load safely – The last step is the placing down of the item or load that you lifted and moved in the earlier steps. Make it very clear that placing down the objects properly is as important as lifting the same. The pressure that your body bears during lifting, holding and moving the load cannot go all of a sudden! In other words, it requires a specific technique to place down the load or object safely.

Get training on manual handling and stay safe and protected at your workplace. Request your company or management to offer training on manual handling.

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