Toxin-Free Organic Body Lotions Best Choice for your Body

Posted by H. Kilburn
Jan 18, 2016

Your skin requires care and attention because it protects your body and when it’s not looking great you probably don’t feel great either. Protecting and looking after your skin includes using the best quality products to clean and care for it and opting for face washes which may be brilliant and removing dirt and grime but are also packed with chemicals may have a long term detrimental effect on your skin. The toxins and chemicals within synthetic body care products are not the best choice for your body when there are organic skin care products out there.

When you compare traditional synthetic face wash produces with organic face washes you’ll soon feel the difference. Whilst the chemicals and toxins in synthetic products may taint your skin and even travel below its layers, organic face washes are made entirely from natural ingredients which work with the body to cleanse and repair. Synthetic products are known for leaving the skin feeling harsh and dry, even those heralded as hydrating and when compared with organic products which are wholly natural, you’ll soon see how fresh and soft your skin can feel. Toxins can remove all the natural goodness from your skin and without the natural oils, your skin has lost a layer of protection.

The same goes for other body care products including body lotions. Organic body lotion is a much better option than its synthetic alternatives for many reasons, as they are formulated using only natural ingredients which help to moisturise the skin and ensure that the skin is kept healthy and in the best possible condition. Traditional body lotions more often than not contain toxic parabens which are known to damage the skin in the long run and many body lotion products also include synthetic fragrances which add in a further collection of toxic ingredients.

The fragrance ingredients in most lotions and creams include hormone-blocking phthalates and often carcinogenic Benzyl ethanol, both dangerous to the body. You may also find other carcinogenic ingredients which are added simply to give the product a particular fragrance or aroma. Carcinogenic ingredients are amongst the most harmful to the skin in the long run and the toxins can be avoided simply by opting for organic skin care products which, in many cases, use natural ingredients, oils and extracts to create their own range of fragrances which pose no risk to your body or skin. 

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