Top SEO Ranking Factors For Increased Rankings and Traffic

Posted by cogniter Technologies
Sep 21, 2022

Entrepreneurs know that search engine ranking factors are crucial for a successful online presence.

Entrepreneurs know that search engine ranking factors are crucial for a successful online presence. From achieving higher SERPs rankings to increasing traffic, SEO factors can contribute to the success of an organization.

Google doesn’t want searchers to bounce without consuming information. However, many businesses fail to achieve higher rankings and traffic despite filling their sites with quality content.


No matter how skilled a hairdresser is, the audience may not get service if the salon isn’t clean enough. Similarly, there are some factors that business owners need to consider when getting their business online.

This article highlights the list of top-ranking factors that are dominating in 2022:

Secured Website (HTTPS)

With the advent of the World Wide Web, it has become easier to connect with customers worldwide. However, technological advancements have also increased data security concerns. Google has long been highlighting why websites should transition from HTTP to HTTPS. Therefore, getting HTTPS is quintessential for businesses.

A website is highly likely to rank well when it does not encounter security difficulties. Moreover, taking security measures helps gain trust among users and search engines.


As per reports, there are currently more than 5 billion active smartphone users worldwide. From morning alarms to late-night conversations, mobiles have made people’s lives easier. Since users carry these gadgets all the time, they have become a preferred medium to consume information.

Business owners can take advantage of this golden opportunity by making their websites mobile-friendly. Google’s ranking algorithm factors are indexing, crawling, retrieval, and ranking. It has been witnessed that mobile-friendly websites get higher traffic and ranking as compared to other sites.

High-Quality Content and User Intent

Over the years, the digital ecosystem has evolved exponentially. Gone are the times when uploading a bunch of content with keywords was enough to bring results. Nowadays, users are considered the kingpin of the digital ecosystem, and user intent is given the utmost significance.

Content has long been considered the king because it is a brand’s voice. However, there is a misconception that more content leads to more traffic and high rankings. This is partially true because high-quality content is required to provide users with what they want.

People often confuse better content with bigger content. Producing low-quality content and black hat SEO practices are ineffective because they can ruin a website’s reputation in the long run. White hat SEO services in India help achieve higher SERPs rankings without getting penalized.

On-Page Optimization

SEO is the practice of making strategies to gain higher rankings and traffic. Off-page and On-page are among the famous SEO techniques to achieve business goals. Businesses often make the mistake of pouring more effort into off-page techniques and less into on-page SEO.

In fact, on-page optimization is crucial to the success of a website. Regardless of the size, businesses should incorporate this strategy because it is a stepping stone to achieving the top-ranking goal. A full-stack SEO expert in India is rare and invaluable. Hiring an experienced professional is the best way to let a professional handle all SEO worries so businesses can shift focus toward core offerings.

The Epilogue

There are many speculations about Google emphasizing some ranking factors over others. With the updates rolling out every year, businesses should keep an eye on the latest SEO trends and Google algorithms.

The digital landscape is changing rapidly, and SEO isn’t what it used to be a decade ago. It’s no longer a DIY project because doing it the wrong way can hurt a brand’s goodwill. Hiring a trusted SEO agency is one of the surefire ways to get the best bang for the buck.

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