Top IoT Platforms and Tools for Developers

Development of applications has taken a big leap after evolution of IoT app development companies. They build projects that are fast and easy to develop, very affordable and extremely successful.
Topmost IoT Skills to look out for
Developers need to be proficient in following skills to be apt for creating IoT projects:
Data science and analytics – 1027%*
Data mining: 230%
Matlab: 78%
Machine Learning: 199%
IT & Networking – 120%
Network security: 46%
Computer networking: 91%
Linux system administration: 26%
Engineering & Architecture – 68%
AutoCAD: 217%
Circuit design: 231%
3D design: 29%
Wearables – 68%
GPS development: 66%
Electrical engineering: 159%
3D design: 29%
Security – 51%
Security infrastructure: 194%
Network security: 46%
Security engineering: 124%
Connected Home – 41%
Microcontroller programming: 225%
Raspberry Pi: 17100%*
Circuit design: 231%
Web, Mobile and Software Development – 40%
iPhone app development: 40%
Node.js: 86%
MongoDB: 63%
Big data, data storage and processing/backend programming – 17%
Apache Spark: 1667%*
MongoDB: 63%
Big data: 183%
The percentage corresponding to these skills show the rise in popularity and demand for given skills in market.
Development of a Distributed IoT Service or an IoT Device
Programmers need to make use of embedded programming in order to develop IoT devices. Software components that are embedded within the device can be a small computer within the device and the application software / program that makes it run. Examples of IoT devices are Coonected home devices, wearables, circuit design, 3D deign and GPS programming etc.
Few points to be mentioned while creating a distributed IoT service:
Data and Analytics
Networking and IT Services
Designing and development of an integrated UI (E.g. – A simple mobile application to maintain and control temperature within room)
IoT Platforms for Development
Interactive IoT devices and objects can be developed over Arduino platform. It combines a physical board processor that shields with individual libraries of C Code. This also comes with an integrated development environment (IDE) for writing, compiling and transferring code. Some development environment for IoT device development are:
Windows 10IoT Core – makes use of Visual Studio and Arduino Wiring API
Raspberry Pi 2
IBM’s Quarks IoT tools
Tessel 2
Twilio Programmable Wireless
IBM Watson
M2M Labs Mainspring
Flutter etc.
IoT Operating Systems and Hardware
From small prototypes to large technologies, the list of embedded devices goes on. Small computing devices embedded within are known as chips or boards. These come in various price ranges and levels of processing capabilities.
IoT Hardware Components include:
single-board processors like the Arduino Uno;
low-power boards;
field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA);
shields, which are smaller boards that plug into main boards to extend functionality by abstracting specific functions (e.g., interactive displays, GPS, heat and light sensors).
BeagleBoard is another small board computer that works with Linux Operating System, making use of an ARM processor.
Intel’s Edison and Galileo are other reliable options for large scale production
Qualcomm has also produced some technologies for the same platform
Sensor and Beacon Technology
IoT objects are able to broadcast information to nearby mobile devices by making use of bluetooth beacons. These are low power sensors that work on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) mechanism. While we are close to an IoT device, our mobile phone receives signals via one way communication mechanism. BLE requires less power, is economical (battery of a beacon can last upto 3 years, once charged). It can ideally be used for small mobile applications.
Thus IoT App Development Companies follow certain criteria for development and integration of IoT into their smart devices. These are:
Selection of appropriate application software
Selection of appropriate hardware platform
Creation of Integrated UI
Development of appropriate API’s, procedure calls and web sockets
Set up analytics, data storage and security
Appropriate application of these devices can lead to overall growth and development of economy