Top Angry Bird Toys – Only @ WoWKart

Posted by Anurag Srivastava
May 17, 2013
Angry Birds” has taken everyone by storm. Right from video games, clothes, toys, books, stationary, furniture to mobile apps, it is all over your life and for a good reason. The game of Angry Birds was one of a kind phenomenon and people of all ages and across all countries fell in love with it!

• Stationery

Do you want to gift your kid an Angry Bird stationary set? How about an Angry Bird Eraser or an Angry Bird Sharpener? Kids love their stationary and of course, it is very useful and a functional gift.

angry bird gift wowkart

• Arts and Crafts

Every kid loves to draw and generally mess around with chalk, color and paper. Top it with an Angry Birds theme and voila! Your kid is going to be one happy baby. Whether it is the double sided color pencil or an oil color set, everything is within budget and in the range of INR 50 – 200.

• Toys

Toys are kid best friend and on top if it if you gift the child Hot Wheels, he/she is going to be in 7th heaven. Many Hot Wheels toys come with the theme of Angry Birds and WoWKart has a bunch of them. Whether it is Hot Wheels Angry Birds Track .

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