Top Advantages Of Stormwater Detention Tanks For Your Home

Posted by Marta Jordan
Jan 19, 2021
Stormwater refers to the rain that hits the ground surface. What begins as rainwater that is harvested from rooftops into a rainwater tank promptly changes into stormwater, which overflows from the tank into a drain or to the ground. Hence, commercial and residential buildings need to make plans for stormwater detention tanks.

What is the process?

Stormwater detention is the process wherein rainwater flowing through ground surfaces such as drains, paths and driveways is captured and kept in storage until it is released. Stormwater is stored in a special tank called a stormwater detention tank or an onsite stormwater detention system (OSD). It typically has a slow-release valve that permits the water to drain gradually.

What is the need for detaining stormwater?

During storms and heavy rainfall, much stormwater is created. This raises the risk of flooding in urban areas. Such situations are worsened by the rise of residential density and expansion of commercial and industrial buildings, which adds to the pressure on existing infrastructure for underground drainage.

Experts have noted that raising the current drainage capacity for rising stormwater flow is not feasible due to concerns and limitations of cost and space. The burden is on homeowners to deal with stormwater.

How to detain stormwater

Even as a property is being designed and developed, one must also prepare an efficient design for stormwater detention. Additionally, new houses are mandated to have on-site detention facilities constructed as per their home drainage system. 

Some of them include concrete basins or water tanks underneath driveways in order to capture the run-off of stormwater from the residential area and store it for a limited time to reduce the effects of flooding.

The stored water is slowly drained from a small opening at the base of the OSD tank. When the majority of homes in flood-prone areas feature detention systems, the flood peak of rainwater during storms can be lowered and any damage by floods can be made minimum.

Various solutions:

● Stormwater detention tanks

These are special detention tanks featuring split-storage. One portion stores rainwater and another detains stormwater.

● Rainwater tanks

These are huge water storage tanks which can satisfy most stipulations of Councils.

● Underground storage tanks

Such tanks are used to store stormwater run-off. These are designed with the system for harvesting rainfall for receiving excess water overflowing from a rainwater tank or located under driveways where much stormwater run-off can be harvested.

When there is a construction of new houses in areas where the municipal or local council needs the help of homeowners in stormwater detention, there is a need for OSD tanks. By detention, it is implied that water will be detained for a short period of time. OSD tanks must stay empty except during rainfall and short periods thereafter.

What sets the OSD tanks apart is that they are fitted with valves to release water slowly. There are two options for stormwater detention:

● Two tanks: one for rainwater harvesting and the other for stormwater detention.
● One specially made dual use of a water detention/retention system.

In summary, OSD tanks help in better management of run-off of water during heavy storms. Stormwater detention tanks are crucial to help avoid flooding of urban areas.

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