Top 6 Essential Tools Required for Log Building
When you are thinking about building a house or a log cabin, the key lies in choosing the right tools for construction that go into creating that cabin. Here, we shall discuss the six basic tools that you would need if you are venturing into such a log building project.
It is imperative to note that the tools involved in log building can either be power tools or hand tools. Hand tools would obviously slow down the process of building a home or a cabin whereas power tools get the job done in a much quicker fashion and lend a beautiful finish and craftsmanship to the creation. That said, it is possible to build a home or a log cabin with hand tools alone. There are countless hand tools and carpentry tools that one can choose from such as log cleats to log dogs, from Peaveys to chisels in order to get the job done.
However, the following six tools are the absolute basic that you cannot do without when building a log cabin.
1.Adze for hewing logs – An adze is quite similar to the function and appearance of an ax. However, it has a perpendicular blade that is either straight or curved, depending on the desired cut.
2.Ax for notching and felling logs – An ax is a tool that has been used since before the iron age to fell and harvest logs. The size and weight of your ax really depend on it’s intended use.
3. Chainsaw to cut logs – A chainsaw is the most efficient way to cut logs for cabin/house building. A log building can certainly be made with just hand tools, but a chainsaw is a definite asset. Once mastered it can be used as a tool to round, cut and notch logs. Be sure to buy a high quality, professional grade saw.
4. Drawknife /Drawshave to debark and peel logs – Drawknives come in straight or curved models and are used for peeling and debarking logs. You will spend a great deal of time with a draw knife, so make sure you purchase a high-quality tool that feels comfortable in your hands.
5.Log dogs and cleats to hold logs – A log dog is nothing but an iron tool that is used to keep the logs in place to ensure they do not move around when being notched and scribed.
6. Mallet to hit logs – Everyone knows and has seen a mallet. It is used to hit logs. Alternatively, you can also use a sledgehammer.
Other than these, several other logging tools such as cant hooks, skidding tongs, Hudson Bay axes, etc. are equally indispensable when it comes to a log building project. If you are planning a log building project consider buying premium quality log building tools and equipment offered by Kings Bridge Supply. Our rugged and reasonably priced logging tool supplies are tested for durability and strength before they are deemed fit to sell to potential customers. Next time you venture into a logging project use the logging tool supplies that we use.