Top 5 TED Talks of All Time
TED, a non-profit organization, has hosted thousands of talks by achievers from various walks of life and around the world on design, entertainment, and technology. TED was founded in 1984 and started posting videos of talks online in 2006. As of now, more than 2,100 talks have been uploaded and they have been viewed more than a billion times. We’ve compiled the top 5 TED talks of all time:
Do schools kill creativity? – Sir Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson's talk tops the chart. He is the top TED speaker with 38 million views. His talk questioned the whole concept of education. According to Robinson, radical changes have to be brought about in the way schools teach students in order to encourage and cultivate create as well as acknowledge different types of intelligence. Robinson is of the opinion that today's education system does not encourage creativity at all.
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