
Top 30 Interview Questions for Automation Testing

by Syntax Technologies Software Testing Training

In comparison to the time-consuming and tedious method of manual testing, automation testing has emerged as a feasible solution for ensuring the stability and quality of software products. As a result, Automation Testers and Test Automation Engineers have become highly sought-after and attractive roles in the Software Testing area. As a result, if you want to ace a Test Automation interview, this thorough list of the top 30 Automation Testing Interview Questions will come in handy.

In this article, we'll go over a carefully compiled list of some of the most relevant Automation Testing Interview Questions. We'll also look at some Java Automation Testing Interview Questions as well as API Automation Testing Interview Questions. Furthermore, as Selenium has emerged as one of the most popular Test Automation Tools, we'll go over some Selenium Automation Testing Interview Questions.

Basic Level Automation Testing Interview Questions

Interview Questions for Selenium Automation Testing

Questions to Ask in a Java Interview for Automation Testing

Interview Questions for API Automation Testing

Advanced Level Test Automation Interview Questions


Basic Level Automation Testing Interview Questions


1. What is Automation Testing and How Does It Work?

Automation Testing starts with the tester developing test codes using automation testing certifications to assist validate the programme and automate the test execution process. These pre-scripted tests created by the tester are designed to run automatically and compare the actual results to the expected ones. The closeness or divergence of the results aids in determining the product's quality.

2. What types of automation testing are there? What are the many sorts of software tests that can be automated?

The forms of software testing listed below can be automated.

Regression Testing: Cases in which repeated activities were tested and frequent code modifications were made.

Load Testing: This form of testing is used to see if an application can handle a specific amount of transactions (load).

Performance Testing: This type of testing is used to assess the stability, scalability, and/or speed of the application being tested.

Unit Testing: This sort of testing is used to confirm that a specific module of an application functions correctly.

UI Testing: Verifying that the product fits the graphical user interface criteria.

Security testing ensures that no one can access an application's credentials.

System testing ensures the system's efficiency in conducting all other sorts of tests.

Functional Testing: This type of testing is done to guarantee that the product is capable of performing all of its functions.

3. Explain the distinction between manual and automated testing

Manual Basis Testing Automation Testing

A QA Analyst does manual definition testing to check product functionality in accordance with customer requirements.

Test cases are conducted automatically with the help of Automation Testing Tools after the first human construction of test scripts.

Execution Time Expensive owing to long processing times Faster, with more tests completed in less time

Test efficiency is lower, resulting in a higher risk of mistakes and errors. As a result, less dependable. Greater efficiency and dependability owing to the use of tools and scripts to execute tests.

The initial investment is smaller. However, when compared to Automation Testing, the long-term return on investment is lower. However, when compared to manual testing, the ROI is larger in the long run.

Test Coverage There is only a limited amount of test coverage. It's tough to test the app on many OS platforms and browsers. More test coverage is needed. Allows for testing on a variety of operating systems and browsers.

It is possible to conduct exploratory testing, but it does not allow for random testing.

Manual testing can be done in parallel; however, this would necessitate an increase in the number of people necessary to conduct the test. Tests can be run in parallel across different browsers and OS systems, smoothly.

Knowledge of programming languages isn't essential, but it's a plus.

Even the tiniest change in the UI of the Application Under Test necessitates the need to adapt the test scripts accordingly.

Frameworks are not used, however checklists, processes, and guidelines can be used to design test cases. Frameworks such as Hybrid, Keyword, and Data Drive are used.

Report Generation Testers must create reports by recording their results. Tools can be used to generate test reports automatically.

4. When is it appropriate to automate?

Automation testing is more effective when:

Situations that necessitate regular testing or the completion of repetitive duties

Test scenarios that require significant amounts of data to be tested

Situations that necessitate parallel testing or tests that can't be completed manually

In situations when the risk of human error is high, automated testing certification is preferred.

It is recommended for non-functional testing as well as when tests must be run in a variety of browsers and circumstances.

Automation testing can be used to test the application's stable components.

5. When should Automation Testing be avoided?

In the following cases, Test Automation should not be used:

Complex and newly built test cases

When the test case requirements are frequently changing

Those test cases that need to be deployed or fixed right away.

When a high amount of documentation is needed,

It is necessary to do usability or ad hoc testing.

For test scripts that give unpredictably surprising results

In the case of test cases where the expected or input data is unknown

6. What factors should you consider when selecting the best Test Automation Tool?

The following criteria should be considered when selecting a Test Automation Tool:

Object of Automation/Project Requirements

Determine the costs involved with the deployment of various test instruments.

Determine your project budget and look for a tool that works within it.

Identify the technical skills required for the deployment of various test tools.

Inquire about the experiences of other companies that have employed similar tools.

It is prudent to select tools that are suitable for all members of a team, including non-technical members.

Examine whether the tool supports various forms of testing, as well as cross-browser testing for web-based apps.

In general, look for tools that have some of the following characteristics:

• Debugging Service

• Object Recognition

• Assistance with the testing environment

• Abilities to test images and objects

• Database Validation

7. What is the definition of a framework? What Characteristics Define a Good Framework?

A Test Automation Framework is a set of universal principles and guidelines that serve as best practises for simplifying the automation process and providing positive test automation outcomes. Testing Libraries, GUI or Command Line Interface, and Test Data Management are all part of a Test Automation Framework.

The following are some of the characteristics of a good framework:

 Reusable

 Independent

 Modular

 Integration

 Consistency

 Reporting

8. What are the many Automation Frameworks that are available?

Framework for Data-Driven Testing

This framework aids us in decoupling the test data from the logic of the test script. The test results are saved in an external database, such as XML, Excel, or CSV. The data is kept as "key-value" pairs that are dependent on the variables' verification and input values.

Framework for Keyword-Driven Testing

This framework is frequently thought to be a continuation of the previous one. It not only separates the test data from the test scripts, but also saves a set of test script codes in an external data file. The data tables and keywords are created separately of the automated test cases.

Framework for Module-Based Testing

This framework aids in the separation of the Application Under Test (AUT) into logical and independent sections. Each module has its own test script, which when combined helps to generate a larger test script that covers many modules.

Framework for Linear Scripting

This Test Automation Framework is similar to a 'Record and Playback' system, except it works in a linear fashion. It's most commonly used to test tiny applications.

Framework for Hybrid Testing

It is a blend of several of the frameworks described above. It has the advantage of assisting in the derivation of the benefits of all connected frameworks.

9. What do you need to get started with Automation Testing? Is it feasible to automate everything?

The following are some of the prerequisites for starting Automation Testing:

Reusable functions and procedures are used.

The framework should be stable.

Filter and categorise the test cases that will be automated.

Reusable functions should be kept in their own folders.

Experienced and qualified personnel should be used.

Ensure module stability and consistency.

The idea of complete automation is a fiction. There are several instances in which Automation Testing is not feasible. This is particularly true for many edge test cases that are rarely run or are too simple to be automated. Furthermore, test scripts and automation technologies are created entirely by people, therefore human interaction cannot be completely eliminated.

10. What is an Automation Testing Lifecycle and what are the phases involved?

The steps in the automation testing lifecycle are as follows:

Make the decision to automate your testing.

Select the right Test Automation Frameworks and Tools.

Make a decision on a test strategy and a test plan.

Preparation of Test Data

Create a Testing Environment

Create a test suite

Execution of Tests

Creating and analysing test reports

Scripts for Tests must be kept up to date.

11. What exactly is Sikuli?

Sikuli is a GUI automation tool that employs the Visual Image Match method. The various site elements in Sikuli should be photographed and saved as an image within the project. It's made up of:

Script Sikuli

Sikuli IDE is a software development environment for Sikuli.

Jython's Visual Scripting API

Sikuli can be used to automate flash objects or webpages, as well as desktop and window-based applications.

Interview Questions for Selenium Automation Testing

12. What exactly is selenium? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Selenium is a free, open-source software testing tool that is used to test web applications across many platforms and browsers. Selenium Automation Testing is a technique that uses a single interface to allow users to write test scripts in a variety of computer languages, including Java, Python, C#, Ruby, Perl, PHP, and NodeJS.

Selenium's Benefits:

It is an open-source testing framework that may be downloaded for free. When compared to its rivals, which usually come with a licencing fee, this makes it quite appealing.

Selenium supports a wide number of programming languages, including Python, Java, Perl, Ruby, PHP, and C#.

It has a track record of producing correct findings, making it extremely dependable.

Selenium allows test cases to be run on multiple operating systems, including Android, Windows, iOS, Linux, and Mac.

Selenium Automation Testing can be performed on a variety of web browsers, including Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE, and Firefox.

It supports parallel test execution and has a large community behind it.

Selenium supports JUnit and TestNG integration, which aids in the creation and maintenance of test cases.

Continuous testing is feasible because to Selenium's connection with Maven Jenkins and Docker.

Selenium's drawbacks include:

It is only suitable for testing web applications and not for testing mobile or desktop software applications.

Apart from customer communities, there is no guarantee of user support.

It is unable to gain access to web elements that are detected to be outside the web application under test.

Selenium cannot be used independently for image or data-driven testing. These can only be achieved with the use of additional tools.

Writing tests necessitates prior programming language expertise.

13. What are the components of the Selenium Suite?

Selenium Automation is not a single tool, but rather a collection of tools, each of which supports a distinct set of testing needs for the company. The following are the tools:

Integrated Development Environment for Selenium (Selenium IDE)

It's a Firefox add-on that allows you to record and execute test cases.

Remote Control for Selenium (Selenium RC)

It was the first mainstream testing tool that allow users to write test cases in their choice language. It supports data-driven testing as well as cross-browser testing.

Selenium WebDriver is a web testing tool.

It was built by Simon Stewart in 2006 as a remedy to the drawbacks of Selenium RC, and it provides an interface for creating and running test cases, as well as the ability to identify web page components and take appropriate action using the test cases.

Selenium Grid (Selenium Grid)

It employs the Hub-Node design, which enables the execution of several test cases on multiple machines, all of which are situated remotely. The hub is the master system, and it governs the other nodes, which are the child systems. As a result, parallel execution is possible.

14. What is the distinction between Selenium and Sikuli?

Selenium Sikuli

API that is difficult to use API that is simple to use

It is not possible to automate flash objects, although it is possible to automate flash objects.

Can only automate web apps Can automate both web and desktop applications

Visual match is used to find elements on a screen but does not support it.

15. What exactly is a Protractor?

It's an open source Test Automation framework that makes end-to-end web application testing easier. It was created by Google and is based on the WebDriverJS framework. It's a tool for testing Angular apps. The tool is used to test the web application by putting it through its paces on real web browsers. Because Protractor is mostly built on Selenium WebDriver, it supports cross-browser testing. Protractor also allows for the execution of test cases in parallel.

16. Which types of tests can be carried out with the Selenium framework?

The Selenium framework can be used to perform the following tests:

Testing the functionality of web apps

Load testing is a process that involves putting a web application through its paces.

Regression testing is a type of testing that is done on online applications.

Questions to Ask in a Java Interview for Automation Testing

17. What distinguishes Java from other programming languages?

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts

• Encapsulation

• Inheritance

• Abstraction

• Polymorphism

High Performance: In Java, the JIT (Just in Time compiler) allows for high performance.

Platform agnostic: A single Java programme can operate on a variety of systems.

Multi-Threaded: The JVM allows you to create a main thread. However, by implementing the Runnable interface or extending the thread class, the user can create many threads.

18. What is the meaning of Constructor?

When a new object is created in a programme, the function Object() { [native code] } for that class is called.

It's just a method that shares the same name as the class.

A default function Object() { [native code] } is created if the user fails to create a new function Object() { [native code] }.

If the user creates a function Object() { [native code] } with a parameter, he must also create a function Object() { [native code] } without a parameter.

19. Explain the distinction between an Array and an Array List

List of Arrays

At the time of array declaration, the size must be specified.

String[] name = new String [3] The size is not needed, as the size changes dynamically.

new ArrayList = ArrayList name

It is critical to give the index when inserting an object into an array.

There is no need to give the index when using name[3].


It is not parameterized ArrayList in Java 5.0.

Interview Questions for API Automation Testing

20. What is the difference between an API and API testing?

Application Programming Interface is the abbreviation for Application Programming Interface. It functions as a bridge between two applications, allowing the two software systems to communicate with one another. It allows two systems to communicate and exchange data more easily.

API Testing is a type of Software Integration Testing that assists in the direct testing of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) (APIs). It aids in the evaluation of an API's performance, usefulness, security, and dependability.

21. Is it necessary for API testers to have coding skills in order to conduct API testing?

API testing can be done in both a manual and an automated manner. Manual testing does not necessitate coding skills on the part of the tester. They only require API request information, payload, headers, credentials, and knowledge of how to use the right tools. However, if API testing is to be done in an automated manner, testers will need to know how to code in order to automate the test cases.

22. What is the purpose of the Test API?

TEST API is a set of library tools or APIs that assist developers in creating automated test cases for Windows 32 or.NET systems.

23. What are the benefits of automated API testing?

API automated testing is beneficial since it improves test coverage in a short amount of time. Automation Testing is beneficial in reducing human error and facilitating test execution in parallel. Furthermore, because it takes less time, it saves money.

Advanced Level Test Automation Interview Questions

24. What is Browser Automation, and how does it work?

Browser automation is a mechanism for running a web application programmatically in a browser and automatically performing the various activities as if it were being completed by a real-world user. Browser testing is beneficial because of the efficiency and speed it offers. Browser testing technologies such as Selenium, Protractor, and Cypress are among the most widely used.

The following are the steps involved in Browser Automation:

Activate the application's URL

Test the various links on the website to ensure that they are not broken.

Keep a record of the page's broken links.

Perform load and performance testing on your web application.

Launch multiple browser instances with various test users to ensure that concurrent actions work as intended.

25. What is the difference between automation testing, black box testing, and white box testing?

Automation testing is a type of both black and white box testing. When a tester conducts a test on an application without understanding the code or low-level design of the application, it is classified as black box testing. However, there are times when testers need access to the database as well as the application's coding knowledge, which falls under the category of white box testing.

26. Is it possible to undertake Automation Testing without a test framework?

Without a Test Automation framework, Automation Testing is certainly possible. Frameworks serve as suggestions rather than hard and fast regulations. However, adhering to these principles improves efficiency and makes maintenance easier.

27. What are the most crucial components of a test automation framework?

Data Extraction: Test cases must extract user data from a file, a database, or from variables encoded in the test script.

Test Assertion Tool: This is a tool for creating assert statements that let you test the anticipated values in your application.

Reporting Tool: This tool is used to generate legible reports when all of the test cases have been completed.

Build Management Tool: This is a tool that may be used to develop test scripts by constructing a framework.

Logging Tool: It allows for efficient bug and error debugging.

Continuous Integration Tool: Also known as Continuous Delivery Tools, these tools are used to deliver and integrate changes made to a framework at each iteration.

28. What are some of the finest automation testing practises?

The following are some of the finest industry techniques for ensuring high-quality software:

When deciding on the scope of automation, be cautious. It's not a good idea to automate every test case.

It is critical to evaluate the tester's experience and skills, as well as the severity and complexity of the feature being tested.

Use Appropriate Comments and Separate Codes for Different Uses.

Avoid duplicating cases and test scripts on a regular basis.

It is critical to select the appropriate Test Automation tool for each test scenario.

Maintain a bug database that is up to date.

Observe the coding conventions.

29. What are some of the most recent Test Automation applications?

Some of the largest corporate houses on the worldwide platform can serve as examples. Google is now developing self-driving cars, while Facebook is testing a rumoured brain-computer interface that could potentially transform thoughts into words. Similarly, Starbucks is interested in cashier-less stores, and Amazon is considering testing delivery drones.

30. What are some of the potential dangers of automation testing?

Implementing automation has a hefty upfront cost. It could cost a lot of money because it necessitates a lot of code and expensive instruments.

If testers progressively learn that the testing approach is not giving adequate findings because the software is continually changing features and configuration, then the ROI will be negative.

Automation testing necessitates knowledgeable and technical resources with a basic understanding of programming.

It is necessary to maintain and update Test Automation code.

Instability in the application being tested could lead to a large number of mistakes.

When the user interface has constantly changing requirements, automation testing can be difficult.


Automation Testing knowledge has become a professional need for Software Testers. This list of Automation Testing Interview Questions is by no means comprehensive; nonetheless, it does cover some of the most significant topics, such as Selenium Automation Testing Interview Questions, Java Automation Testing Interview Questions, and so on.

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Created on Jun 16th 2022 05:40. Viewed 132 times.


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