Tips to Master Your Skills with a Basketball Shooting Machine

Posted by Sophia William
Oct 27, 2020

As a young basketball player, who has only recently started using a basketball shooting machine in Australia to hone their skills, it can be a little confusing and a bit overwhelming to get used to. While it’s true that these machines have revolutionized the way that players play the game, you still have to get used to mastering your skills on a machine, instead of with a partner.


If you have a little bit of trouble mastering your skills with your basketball shooting machine in Australia, read on below for a few tips to help you out. 


Always Choose Quality Over Quantity 


You’re going to see tons of pictures on social media with a large number of shots players are taking, however, that doesn’t mean that those shots are good, just that they’re making a bunch of them. It would be best if you always strived to achieve quality over quantity when using your basketball shooting machine in Australia


Remember, taking hundreds of jump shots back to back can not only get monotonous, but it can also wear you out and leave you exhausted without really improving your jump, your shot, or your form. So, when you start practicing, remember while repetition is important, the quality of those shots is important as well. Ask yourself the following questions to be sure you’re making the most of your shooting time. 

  • Are you getting a lift?
  • Are you following through?
  • Is your release fluid?


If your answer is yes to all three questions, then you’re on the right track. If your the answer is no, then you need to adjust things a little to help improve your shots. 


Always have a Plan in Mind


Every workout with the machine you do will be more effective if you have a plan in mind when you start. Plan how many shots you want to make, not how many shots you want to take before your routine begins. It’s also best to plan how many types of shots you want to improve at and how many of each before you start. With a solid plan in mind, you’ll get through your shots more effectively and learn more as well. 


Adjust the Settings when Needed


Your most basic machines should have a way for you to adjust the settings. From receiving passes at a fast enough pace to keep you on your toes to the strength at which each pass is sent, you should adjust the settings when needed to keep up with your skills and growth. 


Mix it Up Regularly


While shooting many shots from one spot can help you and be quite effective, you should mix it up to practice your routines and shots in different spots as well. You should be practicing shooting on the move, so make sure you mix it up regularly, so you get in a good round of shooting and feel like you’re improving when the day is done. 


These are just a few tips to help you master your skills in your new basketball shooting machine. Remember, shooting often makes perfect, and always, always go in with a plan. 
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