Tips To Ensure That Your Dental Veneers Last For Long

Posted by Brittany W.
Mar 26, 2021

Dental veneers are one of the most popular methods used by people to improve their smiles. They help you improve your look and hide imperfections in your teeth. A Castle Rock dentist may also recommend them as a quick alternative to braces or other procedures.

Dental veneers consist of thin porcelain shells that are stuck to the front of your teeth. They mimic the look of teeth well enough to look natural. They are customized to fit your teeth without any issue. Getting them is irreversible because the dentist needs to remove a part of the enamel and reshape the teeth.

But irreversible does not mean permanent. Veneers can last between ten to fifteen years based on how well you take care of them. They can be damaged sooner despite their durability. Follow these tips to ensure that they last for as long as they can:

Brush Regularly

Getting porcelain teeth doesn’t mean you don’t need to brush your teeth. You still need to brush twice regularly to keep your teeth clean.

Floss Regularly

You need to floss your teeth to get rid of food particles and plaque that may collect under your gums. Flossing once every day will help you prevent gum problems, decay along the edges and other issues.

Use Soft Toothbrush

A hard toothbrush can dull porcelain’s shine and scratch its surface. You should use a soft-bristled brush to clean your veneer teeth in Castle Rock.

Choose Toothpaste Carefully

Avoid toothpaste with abrasive substances that could damage the veneers. Ask the dentist to recommend suitable toothpaste for daily use.

Treat Bruxism

Grinding your teeth often can damage their surface. The same applies to porcelain teeth. Bruxism causes you to grind or clench your teeth unconsciously while you’re awake or asleep. Your dentist may suggest dental guards to protect your teeth. Muscle-relaxants may also be prescribed based on your requirements.

Avoid Staining Foods

Your veneers themselves don't get stained easily but the rest of the teeth can. If other parts get discolored, then this could give your smile an inconsistent look. Moreover, porcelain may get stained eventually. So avoid foods and beverages that could stain your teeth.

Don’t Chew Hard Stuff

Porcelain teeth are strong but not as much as natural teeth. Chewing on hard objects like pen caps, ice, nails, etc. can cause them to chip. You should avoid chewing hard objects to protect the porcelain teeth. This also applied to hard food items like meat cuts with bones, raw apples, etc.

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol can damage the bonding agent that attaches a veneer to your tooth. You should avoid alcoholic drinks to protect your smile. Also, watch out for food items, toothpaste and mouth rinses that may contain alcohol. Check the list of ingredients when buying these items to ensure that they don’t contain alcohol.

Watch Out For Sugary And Acidic Foods

Sugary foods and drinks can damage your teeth and veneers. You should avoid items with too much sugars and carbs. You also need to avoid foods rich in starch to protect your oral hygiene. Foods and drinks rich in acids like cold drinks and citric fruits should also be avoided.

Keep Up with Dental Appointments

Getting veneers doesn’t free you from dental issues. You may still face problems like cavities, gum bleeding, etc. You should keep up with your dental appointments to keep your teeth in top shape. Your dentist may suggest how often you need to visit them based on your needs.

Quit Tobacco Products

Smoking and consuming other tobacco products could cause the veneers to get stained. They are also harmful to your oral health, often causing cancer. You should quit these habits to protect and improve your health.

Wear Mouthguard

If you are involved in contact sports like boxing or wrestling, then you should wear your mouthguard. It can reduce the impact felt by your teeth and prevent damage to your veneers.

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