Tips for Selecting the Right Women’s Sleeping Bags
Are you hiking hut to hut or camping up a mountain? Well, whatever your reasons for overnight camping, your sleeping bag is going to make or break the night. But how do you choose the right bags when the market is full of choices you can work with? First off, it is important to know that this bag is going to be your house or home for the entire period you’ll be there. Therefore, your choice should address maximum comfort as well as your unique needs. You may want to check out the factors below to help you select the right sleeping bag for your situation.
You will notice that some bags are available in a standard unisex size. These bags are typically meant for men. But how can I tell the difference between men’s and women’s sleeping bags? To begin with, you’ll want to check for the area around the hips where they are generally wider. Secondly, they are also narrower towards the shoulders and have extra insulation around at the feet. You can check for these features in a mermaid tail sleeping bag. You’ll fathom it looks a bit different to the unisex sized bags.
Temperature Ratings
Did you know that every sleeping bag has a specific temperature gauge? Therefore, you may want to look for comfort levels when shopping for an ideal bag. You want to know how cool the bag can get before you actually start feeling cold. The lower your bag’s temperature the better for you. Be sure to check for labels showing the limit and extreme temperatures to determine what’s ideal for you.
If you are going out on a hike, you’ll not just be carrying the sleeping bag alone. There are many other items you may need for this exercise. For that reason, you will not want anything bulky. According to experts, the best bags should be as light as possible and as warm as it can get. Those are the two most essential features to look for, especially when you will need to trek long distances to your camping area. Further still, check out how the bag packs down in the compression sack. Make sure it can fit in your luggage.
If you are looking for girls mermaid sleeping bag, one of the major features to look for is zipping. Two way zips opening the bag’s length are considered an ideal choice. This allows you to open the bottom part and vent your feet when you feel like it. The zip should have enough fabric behind the zips to prevent draughts.