Tips For An Easy Crib To Toddler Bed Transition.

Posted by Jeniffer Hooper
Jul 12, 2017

The big transition. Your child is not anymore an infant. You are prepared to go from a den to a toddler bed or would you say you are?

This is an inquiry I regularly get asked and here is some significant data that I might want to impart to you that will help make the crib to toddler bed move less demanding.

1. When?

How would we know when our child is prepared to make the move? It is constantly prudent to leave your child in their den for whatever length of time that conceivable. In a perfect world until three years old. A youngster's understanding level at three years of age to take after the bedtime guidelines and remain in bed, is considerably higher at three than at more youthful ages.

2. Safety.

Does your youngster attempt to move out of their lodging? Provided that this is true, before turning to the crib to toddler bed move, attempt these few hints:

In the event that you have a sleigh bunk with a higher back, turn your den around so the higher part is currently at the front.

Place your child in a rest sac which will make it harder to lift their legs over the edge of the lodging.

Screen. It is perfect on the off chance that you have a video screen and can watch your child. The minute you see that leg lift, you would need to blast into the room and say "NO! Peril" in your most genuine manner of speaking.

In the event that none of these three things work and your youngster is as yet climbing, at that point for wellbeing reasons, it might be an ideal opportunity to move.

3. How? Here are a few hints on making the enormous move.

Converse with your youngster. A little while before you make a lodging to toddler bed move, converse with your child about what is going to occur. Get amped up for it and incorporate them on the readiness (i.e. choosing the bed, picking their materials and so forth.)

Rest Rules. Have a family meeting where you would all be able to take a seat together and talk about your family rest rules. You can get truly imaginative with this one. Have your child embellish their Sleep Rules Chart and run down your bedtime routine and examine what the tenets and desires are the points at which they get into their new toddler bed.


Whenever there is a change or something new in a youngster's life, it is constantly fitting to keep however much of their typical normal as could reasonably be expected. This is particularly valid with bedtime. Keep up your standard bedtime schedule, ensure they have all their "solace" objects like a lovie or most loved teddy bear, and abstain from making an excessive number of special cases as to what you do at bedtime. The steadier you are with what they expect at bedtime, the smoother" bunk to toddler bed" encounter you will have.

For more information, please visit the following websites: Baby Play World

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